Sunday, 29 September 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Connections

Everyone benefits from being positively connected to others
But it is even more important for those living in the light
As we are more prone to energy imbalances
Stable connections to others supports the soul and our energy
And gives a stable base to build from
If needed, you can ask the light for connections with calm centred people to help build your stable base.

Barbara x

Saturday, 28 September 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Are you an Adrenalin Junkie?

We all know of adrenalin junkies who go on adventures and do ultimate challenges such as climbing Mount Everest or jumping out of aeroplanes.
But many of us are daily adrenalin junkies
Adrenalin kicks in when we get stressed, anxious or overloaded
It gives us the opportunity to push our limits and drive for deadlines
Or become a hero by pulling out the stops to solve some work problem
But we can get used to the "high" experience
And it becomes normal for us
But long term exposure to adrenalin is like any other drug
It ruins lives
Stops you living so you drag yourself through life
Do something important for yourself and your family and friends
Adopt a calm and relaxed lifestyle so you can be your true self.

Barbara x

[Barbara's Daily Message] Spirit of Love

We are all connected at our soul level
Our growth ripples out to collective consciousness
And builds positive energy in the universe
We can positively impact on our collective conscious
And build our communities
Through sharing love, compassion and fun (all positive interactions)
And sending it out to the universe.

Barbara x

Friday, 27 September 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Generosity of Spirit

It is easy to get on with people you know and like
But what about the ones you don't know and don't like?
Being generous with your spirit with others
Is about reaching out and connecting with others on a spiritual basis
When it feels appropriate
We usually forget this connection on an everyday basis
But those who are open to this channel will appreciate the connection
And a reminder that their are others open to this perspective.

Barbara x

Thursday, 26 September 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Recovering Emotional Energy

When we are worrying, feeling under pressure or feeling nervous
We can become very tired
And feel emotionally drained afterwards
Remember to regularly take time to relax
To do nothing and just breathe
To recover your energy and zest for life!

Barbara x

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Simplicity

Trying to do everything?
Trying to be everything?
Keep your life simple
Do what is most important to you
Be what is most important to you
Stop juggling everything else.

Barbara x

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Sunday, 22 September 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Love or Hate Yourself

What is going on in your head?
How do you speak to yourself?
With hate, having a go at yourself for not being perfect or making mistakes?
Or with love and compassion, supporting and encouraging yourself
If you want to share love and be compassionate with others
How can you expect to do do this if you are treating yourself with animosity?
Instead, remember to treat yourself with love and compassion as you would others.

Barbara x

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Saturday, 21 September 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Living Life

We are here for our souls to grow through learning and having experiences
In living we create a past and look to the future
Our past has made us who we are today
But our future is unwritten
Choose to live life, be grateful for living, learn from and value experiences whether good or bad
And remember, live life today as you want your future to be.

Barbara x

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Friday, 20 September 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Pay Forward

Today is just a day in our lives
As were the many previous hundreds
But the life you have today, love it or hate it, is the result of all your previous decisions and choices
Once you can recognise that your actions today build your future tomorrow
You can channel your decisions and choices towards a better future
Live each day building a brighter future for yourself and the world.

Barbara x

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Thursday, 19 September 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Payback time?

We all know the term "payback"
Often referred to as a negative consequence "payback time"
However as a concept it is also positive - give and you will receive - is also payback
One of these paybacks builds the world and keeps it going round, the other deteriorates and slows everything down
Live life with a giving mindset
Be content with giving and know when you most need it your positive payback time will come.

Barbara x

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Wednesday, 18 September 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Being In Touch

Since when did we commit to doing everything yesterday?
Staying connected, staying alert and staying active
Technology, activity, achievement are not the be all and end all of everything
They are ways of helping us live our lives better
Except they seem to have become ends in their own right
Unfortunately, the impact of this is on us, our families, our relationships and our communities
While it is fantastic to be in touch with everyone around the world
Regularly put the toys (computers, laptops, iPads, phones etc.) back in the toy box
And be in touch with the person next to you and the people and communities around you.

Barbara x

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Healing Balance

Doctors don't heal the sick
They help our bodies to heal themselves
By reducing the negative forces in the healing balance
And allowing the positive forces to win through
The same is said of ourselves
We burn our candle at both ends and wonder why we get ill
We need to take a different kind of action
To maintain our healing balance
When we've overdone things
The healing balance is rest and recovery
Do this to stay strong and healthy

Barbara x

Monday, 16 September 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Stay in Touch with Humanity

Ever watched the news on the TV
So many difficult situations brought to our awareness
Its easy to switch off to the pain and suffering of others
Because we can't take action to make it stop
But there is something we can do
Stay in touch with humanity
Acknowledge what is happening is wrong
And take action:
- send love and compassion to the leaders and peoples of the involved parties
- send love and healing energy to the injured or those suffering
And know that your actions will slowly help to show a path to peace and joy.

Barbara x

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Sunday, 15 September 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Living without Judgement

Judgement of people, things and events puts barriers between ourselves and everyone and everything else
Judgement keeps our own world intact
But disconnects us from the real world
And prevents us learning and moving along our path
Living without judgement comes from compassion for others, their choices and experiences
We are all different, not only by our DNA but also from our life experiences and choices
Suspend judgement and put a toe in the water of accepting things and people the way they are
Treat yourself and others with compassion, welcome new experiences, make different choices and see where your journey takes you.

Barbara x

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Saturday, 14 September 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Ripple Effect

Everyday, our behaviour has a ripple effect on everyone else
Being compassionate, loving, joyful and honest everyday in your life
Will make your life better
And will bring these wonderful gifts to others
Live each day with these values and let the ripple effect share your gifts with the world.

Barbara x

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Thursday, 12 September 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Simple, honest values

Be connected to our relationships
- with ourselves
- with others: friends and family
- with our communities
- with the light
- and with our own soul
Keep people and our communities in our daily focus rather than things
And stay grounded day in day out.

Barbara x

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Wednesday, 11 September 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Keeping Perspective

If you are having a tough day
Remember it will pass
When we keep our focus on the things still to do
We reinforce our stress and anxiety
When we change our perspective by looking beyond ourselves
Focusing on the important relationships and people in our lives
And remembering that whatever it is usually won't matter in the coming weeks or months
Enables us to detach ourselves from what is going on and recover
Choose perspective and detachment to manage the tough days

Barbara x

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Tuesday, 10 September 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] What is living?

We are so used to living in the fast lane
Trying to get somewhere else as soon as possible
Is this living?
What if living was building experiences
An experience of where we are
And of journeys with the purpose of having experiences
Rather than collecting them
Living the simple life is not getting rid of the modern conveniences and returning to basic meagre living
It is returning to and grounding ourselves in simple, honest values of people and the world around us
And carrying these values with us whatever we do.

Barbara x

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Monday, 9 September 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Restoring Balance

How do you know you are out of balance?
Feeling tired or out of sorts?
Having too much focus on certain areas of your life or neglecting others?
If you are out of balance, how do you restore balance?
Look at areas of your life and yourself that either feel neglected or out of balance
Then look at what you could do (or stop doing) to rebalance or create time to attend to an area
Pick the idea(s) that you think best and try them out
If they work keep them up, try more as you need to.

Barbara x

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Sunday, 8 September 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Mental Balance

Today, our daily lives and experiences have such a significant mental focus
Whether we spend time using a computer, learning, working, watching tv
We spend such a large part of our lives inside our heads we've forgotten the rest of ourselves
How often do we forget to eat, drink or go to the toilet until we get a "loud" physical reminder (hunger, thirst or toilet need)?!
Bring balance back to our day
By taking breaks focusing on our other areas:
Physical - walks, exercise, moving
Spiritual - meditation, contemplation, prayer
Emotional - connecting with friends and family, walks in nature, having new experiences
Try to do one of these everyday.

Barbara x

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Saturday, 7 September 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Emotional Balance

Emotionally balanced and steady
How often are we this way? More often we end up:
Tired and tearful
Competitive and distant
Stressed and angry
Do you want your life to be different?
Do you want to move from daily distress towards:
Calm and relaxation
Peace and contentment
Joy and compassion
Then remember to be kind to yourself and others
Give yourself permission to look after yourself
Support your emotional self daily with calming and centering activities such as meditation, tai chi, yoga, nature walks
To achieve and maintain your emotional balance.

Barbara x

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Friday, 6 September 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Self Balance

It is relatively easy for us to look at what we are doing or not doing in the real world
And then decide what we want to do or learn next
It is much harder to look at our internal world:
- how we feel
- what we believe and
- our interactions with ourselves and others
And work out how these are stopping us living in the light
We can open ourselves up and connect our internal and external worlds
To bring living with love, compassion, peace, joy and truth into our daily activities and actions.

Barbara x

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Thursday, 5 September 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Physical Balance

To be in good physical health
Requires us to be healthy across all areas of ourselves and our lives
To be balanced we need to bring consistency to our physical activities
The old adage is true: use it or lose it
Take time in your week to:
- Do enough exercise
- Maintain flexibility and range of our joints
- Be active: walk 10000 steps a day
- Have a healthy diet and maintain your weight at a reasonable level.
And enjoy more energy and zest for life.

Barbara x

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Wednesday, 4 September 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Live in Balance with the Light

Being a being of light and
Living each day with love, compassion, peace, joy and truth takes practice
To do this we need to be in balance
Being out of balance
Makes being loving, compassionate, peaceful, joyful and truthful more difficult for us
Take time each day to connect with the light (just think about the light and be with it) to stay in spiritual balance.

Barbara x

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Tuesday, 3 September 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Being In Balance

Are you in balance?
Do you know what balance means?
Everyone assumes balance means an even distribution, such as 50:50
Work-life balance is assumed 50:50 but this isn't true
Based on awake hours its really 35:65
So only 35% of your time is for working!
What if balance was more like keeping something in a steady position or steady situation
What impact would this concept have on how you view life?
It would let you make different decisions and more centered choices that support you and others
Become more balanced by becoming more steady.

Barbara x

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Monday, 2 September 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Be Satisfied II

How do feel satisfied with life?
Getting positive feedback from others?
Buying a nice house or car?
Receiving compliments or appreciation for what you've done?
All these measures are external, subject to outside achievements and the perception of others
It makes us feel insecure as our sense of self is based on others opinions, thoughts and comments
To gain a strong sense of self we need to focus on creating supportive, realistic and positive internal measures of ourselves:
"I did a good job/my best"
"I like/value what I did"
"I achieved my goal"
Giving ourselves genuine positive feedback for what we've done well helps us recognise when we have done well
And continually builds a strong sense of self esteem
Start giving yourself genuine positive feedback today!

Barbara x

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Sunday, 1 September 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Be Satisfied I

How do you define success in your life?
Achieving your goals?
Making enough money?
Getting a particular job or promotion?
Winning a competition?
Have you noticed that when you achieve one of your goals that the personal satisfaction gained is short lived?
We jump straight to the next goal as if our achievement is never enough
Could it really be that achieving our goals is unfulfilling? No
More likely we have adopted a permanently dissatified view of life
What we need to do is to review what we have and really learn to "count our blessings" and be satisfied with what we already have
Enjoy the goals and journeys but most of all be satisfied with what you have now.

Barbara x

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