Saturday, 11 January 2014

[Barbara's Daily Message] Joy Time

Do you know how to enjoy and relax yourself?
I don't mean go and do something else to distract yourself from day to day stuff
I mean even in the presence of day to day stuff can you switch all that off
And really relax and enjoy yourself in something?
If you aren't sure, here is the difference:
If it's just distraction, when the distraction over, do you feel a degree of "pending doom" afterwards that immediately starts you feeling stressed or anxious?
Or have you disconnected from that "action mindset" and moved into a "relaxed mindset"?
The rejuvenating effects of joy time come when we are able to disconnect from action...
If you want better joy time, try starting it with meditation, qi gong, tai chi, yoga or just simply a walk in nature.

Barbara x

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