Wednesday, 15 January 2014

[Barbara's Daily Message] Gratitude

As light angels we know about being grateful for our things and experiences in life
We can keep a daily gratitude diary to help us express and reflect on our gratitude
But how do we progress from gratitude on reflection to gratitude as we go about life?
To recognise a challenging situation for us may still have benefits,
To recognise value or joy in a boring or frustrating situation
This needs us to bring our gratitude to a whole new level
As well as gratitude for what happens to us
To develop gratitude for our place in this world, the miracle of life and the honour of having our light journey
And that we are truly blessed to be here and have this
Once we recognise this blessing in our heart and soul this will transform our view of the world and our place within it
To get to know this deep within ourselves is part of the honour of our journey
And brings a profound sense of peace.

Barbara x

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