Thursday, 30 January 2014
[Barbara's Daily Message] Jumping to Conclusions
Someone crossing the road expecting traffic to stop for them rather than use the crossing close by
Someone making a fuss over pennies of incorrect change
Someone driving dangerously close to the car in front
It's easy to spot when we disagree with others actions and jump to conclusions
But is it obvious to them?
Have they had the same experiences as you to tune them in to the obvious?
Is their situation so different that they know but it's not important to them
So next time you see someone doing something unbelievable
Avoid jumping to conclusions and think about their point of view.
Barbara x
Wednesday, 29 January 2014
[Barbara's Daily Message] Genuine Trust
Trust is that firm belief in the reliability, truth and ability of the light
So what is genuine trust?
It is an authentic trust
Not a half trust waiting for you to be proved right
It is belief in the light helping us
And acceptance that help will come in the best way and at the best time (not necessarily in our time!)
Barbara x
Tuesday, 28 January 2014
[Barbara's Daily Message] Procrastination
Not doing something when you planned to?
Avoiding activities/tasks you don't want to do?
Making excuses for missing deadlines/changing timings for plans?
We all have good days and bad days
But how much is caused by the procrastination habit? Avoidance, dislike, apathy...
Procrastination often kicks in when we consider how we look after ourselves
We think we are fine, but we are avoiding the diet, disliking committing to exercise or apathetic when it comes to supporting ourselves
If you recognise any of these traits, pick one you'd like to improve and start understanding the reasons why you procrastinate and when
Then come up with some alternatives approaches/strategies to try to beat it
Unlocking these areas will reduce your stress and give you more time in your day
Good luck!
Sunday, 26 January 2014
[Barbara's Daily Message] Joy
Living without is miserable
Loving ourselves immediately brings joy into our lives
Loving ourselves attracts more love and joy into our lives
Sharing unconditional love with others brings joy into theirs
Live, love and bring joy.
Saturday, 25 January 2014
[Barbara's Daily Message] Gratitude - In the moment
When someone suggests something you don't like or don't want to hear
Do you react and say what you think?
Or do you value the person's thoughts even when they don't match your own?
We can be grateful for our "lot" in life
But not express it in our interactions
If someone takes the time to tell you their thoughts
Value the input and listen
Reply based on valuing the input
We don't have to agree but we can be open and reasonable about it!
Friday, 24 January 2014
[Barbara's Daily Message] Forgiveness
We adjust to a different perspective of life
We learn and develop our skills and values
Forgiveness is one of these values
We start through forgiving specific people and situations
We can then transition to a more forgiving outlook
Recognising people are human and make mistakes
So we become tolerant of people's humanity
We can also continue our progression through making forgiveness one of our underlying values of being so it becomes a continual state of mind rather than a repeated act
Life becomes more real and true when we value forgiveness with humanity.
Barbara x
Thursday, 23 January 2014
[Barbara's Daily Message] Self Acceptance
But do we accept ourselves with the same openness and fairness?
Acceptance means we accept all of ourselves
We believe in ourselves and in our value and worth in this world
With this belief in ourselves brings an attitude of acceptance of the world and those in it
Acceptance is about what is already here and now
Not an sweeping statement of fatalism and inevitability going forward
Believe in yourself and transform your attitude and approach to the world!
Barbara x
Wednesday, 22 January 2014
[Barbara's Daily Message] Love Others
Being nice to them?
Helping them when they ask for it or perhaps in anticipation?
Projecting love towards them?
All of these have some truth in them but don't quite get to the heart of the matter
We can't love everyone as the special person(s) in our lives
So how do we love others?
Loving others suggests outward acts of love but love is about how we perceive people in our hearts
And with our light role of helping others with their journey
Together this brings the idea of love as "wanting for the other person the best of what they want for themselves"
This unlocks our compassion, truth and support for others in a way that the outward acts of love don't quite reach
Try it for a few days and see how it goes
And enjoy more love in your life!
Barbara x
Tuesday, 21 January 2014
[Barbara's Daily Message] Connections
Ever "heard" a conversation about yourself when you were else where?
We are all connected into the spiritual ("light") network across the world
Tuning in can be triggered by yourself thinking of someone or someone thinking of you
We can use this network to make connections and be connected with those who are important to us which can then trigger these experiences
We can choose to tune in and tune out when we want
And we can use it to share love, support and energy to those in need
If you are in need just tune in to the network and ask for help
If you are feeling bouncy and bonny you can tune in and share your joy with others.
Barbara x
Monday, 20 January 2014
[Barbara's Daily Message] Quieten the Mind
We can get caught up in the pace of things
We can take just a few minutes when we need to to quieten our minds
Just take a seat, take slow, deep breaths and with each out breath drain the busy energy out
Releasing it into the world as happiness
When your mind feels clear, mentally take a short walk, somewhere you find relaxing, such as a wood, by a river/canal or the beach etc... for a minute or two to replenish yourself
And then open your eyes and take your internal peace and quiet with you...
Barbara x
[Barbara's Daily Message] Back to Basics
Sometimes we have to remember the basics
And do these as well as we can
Our basics: love, light, compassion, truth, peace
The rest will follow...
Barbara x
Saturday, 18 January 2014
[Barbara's Daily Message] Flexibility
Exactly as you would expect?
Or roughly in the manner you would expect?
Or never to your expectations?
The more flexible our outlook, the less attached we are to our expectations
The less frustration we will experience in life
And we open the door to more happiness in our lives...
Barbara x
Friday, 17 January 2014
[Barbara's Daily Message] Simplify
Are you expending your energy to get what you want out of life?
It's easy to get caught up in doing lots of stuff often for other people
But if you are collapsing in a heap at the end of the day/week
It could be time to consider simplifying your commitments
And focus more of your time and energy on doing what you want to or resting!
Remember looking after yourself first underpins everything else...
Barbara x
Thursday, 16 January 2014
[Barbara's Daily Message] Rhythm
The rhythm of life
Are you in tune?
Or have you overridden your natural rhythm?
While we have our own energy and desires
We still are in the rhythm of our world, not divorced off from it
We would all benefit from a regular tuning in to the rhythm of life
To keep our personal rhythm grounded
Ground yourself through contact with nature regularly.
Barbara x
Wednesday, 15 January 2014
[Barbara's Daily Message] Gratitude
We can keep a daily gratitude diary to help us express and reflect on our gratitude
But how do we progress from gratitude on reflection to gratitude as we go about life?
To recognise a challenging situation for us may still have benefits,
To recognise value or joy in a boring or frustrating situation
This needs us to bring our gratitude to a whole new level
As well as gratitude for what happens to us
To develop gratitude for our place in this world, the miracle of life and the honour of having our light journey
And that we are truly blessed to be here and have this
Once we recognise this blessing in our heart and soul this will transform our view of the world and our place within it
To get to know this deep within ourselves is part of the honour of our journey
And brings a profound sense of peace.
Barbara x
Monday, 13 January 2014
[Barbara's Daily Message] Believe
It's rubbish isn't it, just a bunch a strange friends off with the fairies?
When you are wondering whether this light angel/spirit stuff really is real?
It's easy to know real when it's directly in front of your face, you can see it, touch it and so can everyone else!
But how do you know that something is real when you can't see or touch it in the same way.
We all have a sixth sense, it's just has different degrees of development in everybody
Some people can sense people's moods, energy, spirits, angels etc. and some people need time to tune in, develop and practice this sense
We can all sense but in times when you can't you just need to know that the light is here
Helping you with your path, supporting you with your experiences and learning
And if you need help just ask, believe it will come, just perhaps when you least expect it!
Barbara x
Sunday, 12 January 2014
[Barbara's Daily Message] Love
Love is shared between people day by day
Most interactions are based on love and kindness
Few are based on hate and conflict
It's just hate and conflict are easier to see because they can scale up into major disagreements
But love is here, everywhere you look there is a snippet or ten!
Because it is the basis of our lives
Keep sharing, keep loving, keep being love
Barbara x
Saturday, 11 January 2014
[Barbara's Daily Message] Joy Time
I don't mean go and do something else to distract yourself from day to day stuff
I mean even in the presence of day to day stuff can you switch all that off
And really relax and enjoy yourself in something?
If you aren't sure, here is the difference:
If it's just distraction, when the distraction over, do you feel a degree of "pending doom" afterwards that immediately starts you feeling stressed or anxious?
Or have you disconnected from that "action mindset" and moved into a "relaxed mindset"?
The rejuvenating effects of joy time come when we are able to disconnect from action...
If you want better joy time, try starting it with meditation, qi gong, tai chi, yoga or just simply a walk in nature.
Barbara x
Friday, 10 January 2014
[Barbara's Daily Message] Foundation
But what usually happens a couple of weeks later when we start to find we don't have enough energy to keep up the good intentions?
And we can get upset/frustrated at falling off the bandwagon
What if we focused on giving ourselves a strong foundation on which to build our plans
And we started with maintaining our balance, our health and our energy.
Giving ourselves enough sleep and exercise and balancing work and play, rest and action
Give ourselves a continuous good start with a strong foundation!
Barbara x
Thursday, 9 January 2014
[Barbara's Daily Message] What are you?
A soul searching question designed to find your inner self
Today, this is about how you have labelled yourself
And once we are aware of our labels, how we can change them
What do you see yourself as?
Lazy bum, hardworking but time starved mum, executive, healer, light angel etc.
You can have more than one label - pull them all out, work them out, even the negative ones
And in the cold light of day, really look at each of them, interrogate them and ask yourself
"Is this really me?" "Is this really what I want to be?" If the answers are "yes!" Fab.
If they aren't, time to change labels and pick a new one, one you want!
Write it down and put it somewhere, e.g. on your bath room mirror, where you'll see it everyday
And say it to yourself daily what you are, believe it and you'll become it.
Barbara x
Wednesday, 8 January 2014
[Barbara's Daily Message] Living Choices
When making choices that are difficult it is because we have no bigger picture to make it within
When we procrastinate we see many sides of the picture
But not how the picture relates to ourselves
Living our choices is to make our own big picture real to us
And to put a goal or desired outcome in it to give us a handle
Unlocking our choices and our comfort with them.
Barbara x
Tuesday, 7 January 2014
[Barbara's Daily Message] Make Lemonade
Did you know, make lemonade!
Lemons are experiences/outcomes that you didn't want
Ask yourself what would turn this "lemon" into lemonade?
What could you do to turn an unpleasant experience or outcome into a pleasant one?
Barbara x
Monday, 6 January 2014
[Barbara's Daily Message] Optimism
If you aren't, what is holding your optimism back?
Too tired, life's too hard, my life is a mess, lost your mojo?
We can become drained if we take on too much,
Feel overwhelmed if we don't face our personal challenges
Or even depressed if we just continue struggling in the vain hope all will improve
Focus on one area alone, one you can do something about,
Work out what one action you can take that will make a difference to you
While optimism can come from an attitude it also comes from being proactive and making a difference to life
Take action, no matter how small, to get yourself going, keep taking action and build your optimism
Good luck!
Barbara x
Sunday, 5 January 2014
[Barbara's Daily Message] Worry
Even though you know it doesn't help
But you can't turn it off?
We worry when we are unable to see or think through something to a satisfactory end
And we often exacerbate the situation with our imagination and "what if?" thinking
At these times, take heart in reality rather than in your mind
Write down what is going on, see it for real in black and white
And then look at the different "what if?" scenarios and assess what is likely
And when you know that, work out what you are able to do about each reasonable scenario
If you need help and support to do this, ask someone you trust to help
And, as always, the light is here if you need it, just ask!
Barbara x
Saturday, 4 January 2014
[Barbara's Daily Message] Love and Forgiveness
Avoiding people you've fallen out with
Feeling "right", rejected or angry?
Holding onto negative feelings doesn't bring peace but more negative feelings
Leading to a downward spiral of internal negativity
There is only one solution: Let go of the pain and bring love and forgiveness
Both to yourself and the other parties
Then continue to live the path of love and forgiveness
Barbara x
Friday, 3 January 2014
[Barbara's Daily Message] Interpretation
Others have a frequent moan about the wrongs of their world
And pretty often they are having similar experiences happening to them
So what is the difference?
The way they view their world and what happens in it!
Some people think the world is out to get them
Some people think the world is here to help them
Some people feel powerless, some powerful
This means it is our personal interpretation of the world that is making the difference
The good news is...
If it is our interpretation causing the problem, we can change it!
Start looking today at the assumptions driving your attitude and outlook
And change the ones you don't like!!
Barbara x
Thursday, 2 January 2014
[Barbara's Daily Message] Adapt
We can choose to fight and do what we always do
Or we can respond to the conditions presented to us
And adapt our plans
When we fight it costs us in all forms of energy
Sometimes a short fight will be what is needed
Most times we should consider changing our plans, looking for the low energy solutions
When you see cold, stormy conditions consider your options...
Barbara x
Wednesday, 1 January 2014
[Barbara's Daily Message] The Jewel of the New Year
An opportunity to reflect on our past year
And look forward on our new year
But there's a jewel to be found a bit deeper if we are prepared to go hunting
Are our lives summed up by just 2 years?
If we achieve all of our goals in 2014 would we end up further along in the right direction?
The jewel of knowing where you headed over the next few years requires a lot of panning and polishing
But it's beauty and peace are infinite when you've found it!
If you haven't found your jewel yet, enjoy the search...
Barbara x