Monday, 31 March 2014

[Barbara's Daily Message] Joy

[Barbara's Daily Message] Joy

Do you like the unexpected?
Or does it "stress" you out?
Familiarity brings us comfort, routine and knowing what is next
The unexpected brings us challenge, new perspectives, opportunities and learnings
Does your joy come from knowing or from surprises?
Does your joy come from learning and overcoming challenges or from repetition?
Choose and embrace the experiences that bring you more joy in your life!!

Barbara x

See Daily Message Archive:

Sunday, 30 March 2014

[Barbara's Daily Message] Believing in Yourself

Do you worry about how other people see you?
Is what someone else thinks more important than your own opinion?
Would you prefer someone else to make the decisions for you?
Each of us are on a journey to develop self appreciation, genuine self confidence and self acceptance
Valuing ourselves, our thoughts and opinions and making our own choices
Is an important step on our journeys
When we start to stand for what we believe, think, feel we can also start to appreciate what others stand for
And instead of arguing with others, really listen to what they have to say
Secure in the knowledge that each and everyone of us is OK!

Barbara x

Saturday, 29 March 2014

[Barbara's Daily Message] Being Lighthearted

Are you keeping your sense of humour intact?
Throughout your daily life?
Do you laugh and learn when it goes wrong
Or do you stress and cry?
Being serious all the time makes life more challenging
And gives the impression you are a drama queen
If we have the basics covered and the errors or mistakes aren't disastrous
It's going cause a bit of hassle
But learning to see our mistakes in perspective
Allows us to be lighthearted
Have you got a lighthearted balanced perspective in life?

Barbara x

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

[Barbara's Daily Message] Loving Enjoyment

How do we think of enjoyment these days?
Being passively entertained by electronic devices or prerecorded situations and stories?
Venturing out into the wide world to see, touch, feel what is around us?
Or by escaping into our imagination through books and day dreaming?
The latter two options we choose to engage in activities of our choice
Electronic devices, tv, cinema can fill time and give us a passive escape
But does this build our emotional bank account?
Rarely, it tends to deplete it through our inability to switch off
Active effort, active escapism, contact with real stories connects with us, makes us part of the world rather than divorcing us from it
Controlling and minimising the impact of technology on our emotional bank accounts is important to live in a sane and loving world...

Barbara x

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

[Barbara's Daily Message] Inspiration

Are you feeling the daily grind?
Wanting or feeling the need for change but not sure what?
We often assume how our life is is how it's meant to be
And we don't challenge our assumptions or expectations in life
When we want help with a problem our solution is often predetermined by the way we ask the question!
Firstly, Ask the light for inspiration on making the problem clear
Then ask the light for inspiration on getting the best outcome or solution to the problem

Barbara x

Monday, 24 March 2014

[Barbara's Daily Message] Feeling Overwhelmed?

When we have lots to do and we get overwhelmed
We can feel like our heads start spinning
Which is our list of things to do whirring around our heads
If we are overwhelmed we can get stuck not knowing what to do next
We can overcome feeling overwhelmed by a change of perspective
Ask yourself "what is most important to me and will this matter an hour or a week from now
Getting perspective allows us to distance ourselves
And see the wood for the trees
Enabling us to sort through our lists and take the best next step!

Barbara x

Sunday, 23 March 2014

[Barbara's Daily Message] Limitations

When we are facing our limits in our day to day experiences
We can feel stretched, stressed, vulnerable, even useless
But how can we learn if we never venture near our limits
How can we change and challenge our limits if we don't push up against them
If someone wants an "easy" life, they may think to live life within their limits
But this results in their limits shrinking and creating more stress and frustration
Our limits move with us and our experiences
Embrace the unknown, learn, and stretch your own limitations!

Barbara x

[Barbara's Daily Message] Generosity of Spirit

We all make assumptions about life
Other people's expectations generally defines our external behaviours
So our internal behaviours are generally defined by our self expectations
And if you believe that as a light angel you should have a generosity of spirit towards others
Do you apply that to yourself?
Or have you assumed that to be a "good" human you should be tougher on yourself and have higher standards and expectations?
Reality is that being tough and overly critical is self-sabotage
And developing Generosity of Spirit needs to start at home with yourself!
If you haven't started already, start today, bin those unreasonable expectations...
And bring generosity of spirit home!

Barbara x

Saturday, 22 March 2014

[Barbara's Daily Message] Ups and Downs

Life has its ups and downs
When we're on an up we enjoy life, have a positive outlook and plan for the future
When we're on a down we forget the ups, our outlook shifts and we can find life tough
The truth about tough periods is they are learning periods
And we will come out the other side
Maintaining this perspectives helps us manage the emotional turmoil
Love, laugh, hope and see the truth...

Barbara x

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

[Barbara's Daily Message] Tiredness?

Are you looking after yourself?
Are you giving yourself enough rest time?
Or are you burning your candle at both ends?
Stating the obvious, tiredness is an indicator of when you've done too much
Prolonged periods of tiredness could indicate a persistent lack of rest or over work
Are you spending most of your time over doing things, over working and not resting?
As human beings we need rest and recuperation
If you are overtired, don't ignore it
Give yourself time and space to relax and rest and help yourself to overcome tiredness!

Barbara x

[Barbara's Daily Message] Acceptance

We walk our paths sharing our experiences with others, learning as we go
Many of us have felt different as light angels and felt "outside" of the everyday interactions of people
Some of us crave acceptance by others
But how many of us fully accept ourselves as the person we are
We are human we are not perfect-man, to err is human
If you want people to accept you, accept yourself
If you don't care what others think, accept yourself anyway
If on your light angel journey you want to grow as an angel, accept yourself unconditionally then accept everyone else unconditionally and watch what happens!

Barbara x

Monday, 17 March 2014

[Barbara's Daily Message] Hope

The path of light brings us challenges
How do we embrace and live the values of the light?
Joy, peace, love, compassion, truth
And as we go about our daily lives striving to live these values
We also bring hope to ourselves and others
That we can change our attitudes, perspectives and our behaviour
And so can everyone else
Given "the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step" (Lao Tzu)
So does the transformation of our hearts begin with a demonstration of our values in action
Bringing hope to others that they too can follow and grow on their journeys...

Barbara x

[Barbara's Daily Message] Dreams

The reality of life can catch up with our dreams
And make our dreams feel unachievable
But we can feed our dreams in small doses
Take a step here, do something to support ourselves there
We all know that Rome wasn't built in a day
Neither is reaching our dreams
Dream everyday, reach a little bit closer everyday
Keep your dreams alive and kicking with care and attention.

Barbara x

Saturday, 15 March 2014

[Barbara's Daily Message] Steer Your Life

Are you doing what you want with your life?
Are you living your life the way you want to?
Or are you living the life someone else (often parents) thought you should have?
We are influenced, even cajoled into doing things or making choices in life
While we can't go back and change the previous decisions
We can start listening to what we want and steer our lives from today and onwards

Barbara x

[Barbara's Daily Message] Live Life Simply

How do you spend your days?
Working and getting stuff done?
Are you trying to squeeze more into your day?
Are you cutting back on sleep to get more done or finish things off?
Living life simply is about giving yourself what you need when you need it
Having enough sleep, enough time and space for yourself and others
Then working and being busy fit in...
Decide what your "big rocks" of life are, put them in first
And then decide what else you're going to put in!

Barbara x

Thursday, 13 March 2014

[Barbara's Daily Message] Attaining Peaceful Energy

Peaceful energy, a contradiction?
If we are energetic, we're full of life, action and buzzing!
If we are peaceful, we're at ease with ourselves and life and take life at a stroll
How can we be both?
If we were able to achieve both we could focus our energies on doing and achieving what is most important to us
while at the same time enjoying life, staying connected into the world and being calm
Peaceful and energetic aren't really a contradiction because they exist on different layers
Peaceful is an inner layer about how we are with ourselves and what is going on around us
Energetic is about sharing and directing our internal energy externally in a controlled manner
Instead of letting our energy run wild through us
Harnessing our energy and channeling it as needed balances ourselves and enables our peaceful side to shine through.

Barbara x

[Barbara's Daily Message] Your Route?

What route are you taking in life?
Are you listening to what is important to you?
Are you living your values?
Are you being true to your beliefs?
We can choose the easy route, following others, not causing offence and staying quiet
Or we can choose to walk our talk
Behave in agreement with ourselves
Living the easier route, deferring to others and standing back brings inner conflict
Living the route of congruency and honesty brings inner peace
We all get to choose: which easy route will you live the inner one or outer one?

Barbara x

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

[Barbara's Daily Message] Bring your Peace to you!

Ever felt stressed or caught up in a fast paced environment
And all you wanted is to be was calm and peaceful?
All it takes is a bit of thought and imagination!
If we are feeling our pace is too high and we want to slow down
We can take a break or relax for a time
But what to we do when we can't get away?
By bringing one of our favourite, peaceful environments to ourselves!
Think of elements of your favourite relaxing environments:
The sunshine, bird song, relaxing music, the wind blowing through your hair etc...
What ever it is/they are, bring them to you when you need help to calm yourself down
This isn't about wishing we were some else but about finding ways to bring what we need to support ourselves through what feels like a challenging experience!

Barbara x

Monday, 10 March 2014

[Barbara's Daily Message] Truth Within?

In our search for meaning and purpose in our lives
We look for inspiration outside of ourselves
We look at our experiences and what we enjoy
Infrequently do we look inside ourselves
And trust we know ourselves already
That we have the seeds of everything we need for our path
All we need is some reflection time and some patience
To let our path emerge
Ask and your path will appear!

Barbara x

[Barbara's Daily Message] Power of the Voice

Do you know how powerful the voice can be?
Does your voice feel integrated and your own?
Or does it feel quiet and withdrawn?
Or perhaps chatty and scattergun?
How we use our voices everyday is a analogue to how we share or don't our energy with others
Balancing our voices within ourselves can balance our energies
So we make best use of our energy and our voices in different situations
Spending time meditating on the use of our voices
Balancing our chakras
And listening to instrumental music which feels tuned in with our voices
Can lead to having and sharing a more attuned voice
And a more balanced energy within.

Barbara x

Friday, 7 March 2014

[Barbara's Daily Message] Friday Frazzle

When life is moving at a hundred miles an hour inside your head
Take some time to slow yourself down
Breathe, slowly
Consciously, move slowly, breathe slowly
And when you've managed that
Move slower and breathe slower
Take the time to reconnect with yourself
And when you are feeling calmer
Step slowly into your weekend with a clear and open mind

Barbara x

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

[Barbara's Daily Message] Perserverance

While we know life is about learning
Sometimes we can wish to hide from all the commitments and responsibilities we have
But life is what we make of it
Learning to value the ups and downs is part of our journey
As is learning from our own experiences
When things don't go well, being patient and giving ourselves permission to recover is important
But so too is picking ourselves up, dusting ourselves down so we can try again
Perserverance in face of adversity is a hard battle to win but the growth and value from these experiences is enormous
And on reflection become well worth the effort!

Barbara x

Monday, 3 March 2014

[Barbara's Daily Message] Feelings Unreasonable? Part 2

Do you ever feel jealous of someone else?
What they have, how they look, what they've achieved?
Do you think someone has everything you want?
Remember that's your external experience of their situation
Their experience on the inside may be completely different
Feeling jealous of others can expose gaps/frustrations in your own life
Take the experience of feeling jealousy to be an opportunity to review
What you want in life, what you want to be doing or trying out
And believe that you can go out there and follow your own dreams

Barbara x

Sunday, 2 March 2014

[Barbara's Daily Message] Feelings Unreasonable? Part 1

Do you ever feel taken advantaged of
It's easy to look at someone else, their situation or their behaviour
And react, have feelings that are probably unreasonable
Feeling like someone always taking...?
But are they giving back in other ways?
Or is part of your angel role to support them through their experiences?
It's easy for thoughts in our heads to spiral out of control
So check them out externally:
Either by writing them down or talking them through with someone
Make sure your feelings are reasonable and in perspective before you take any action!

Barbara x

Saturday, 1 March 2014

[Barbara's Daily Message] Feeling Frazzled?

Are you feeling frazzled?
Just moving through your day, your energy reserves feeling low?
Avoiding people and situations requiring more energy than you have?
Just want lie down away from others?
Feeling more emotional, reactive or sensitive than usual?
Feeling frazzled is a sign of being energetically exhausted
This isn't just a sign that you need a rest/holiday/break
But also that your energies need a boost and a refresh
Qi gong and yoga are great ways to give yourself a boost
Practised regularly they help you maintain your energetic "strength"!

Barbara x