Do you get frustrated easily?
Do you complain about your lot in life expecting others to sort it out?
Do you wish you would handle situations differently after the event?
Do you want more patience to help you?
There are different reasons we become impatient
We can be frustrated about an area in our lives that effects everything else
Are you?
We can be over tired, stressed or not looking after ourselves so we are creating background stress
Are you?
And/or we can have the wrong assumptions/expectations about how life/other people treat us so we can feel let down or frustrated about how things or life is going
Do you?
Spend some time thinking about the statements above and see if they apply to you
If so, think about solutions to help yourself
To live and share our light values with meaning us demonstrating them brings them to life for others
Becoming more patient will help us live and share them.
Barbara x
Thursday, 27 February 2014
Wednesday, 26 February 2014
[Barbara's Daily Message] Life
[Barbara's Daily Message] Life
Living day by day
Experiencing your life and creating experiences
Let's you grow and develop
Ask the light for what you want in life
And they will help you grow and develop towards it
As well as grow and develop on your own light journey
Selflessness is not a light angel requirement, we can ask for what we want
We all need to know life and it's challenges to be able share the light with everyone else!
Barbara x
See Daily Message Archive:
[Barbara's Daily Message] Got that busy feeling?
[Barbara's Daily Message] Got that busy feeling?
Have you got that busy feeling inside?
Caught up with the pace of life, getting carried away?
It only takes a moment to check in and see how you are doing
And respond
By siphoning off that excess energy by rooting yourself to the earth
Or calming yourself down by taking a few deep breaths and centering yourself
Or even to take a walk outside and enjoy the fresh air
All these strategies can stop ourselves escalating our energies to "busy"
So we are more fun to hang around with!
Barbara x
See Daily Message Archive:
Monday, 24 February 2014
[Barbara's Daily Message] Know Your Own Mind
In our empathic, energy filled world of ours
We can feel pulled from pillar to post
We can be overly sensitive to people's comments
We can find difficult people very difficult to deal with
So how do we find a way through the "storm"?
By working out what are our thoughts and feelings
By knowing what is important to us
And by knowing our values
This way when it feels like the storm is arriving from all directions
Knowing our own mind is the rock the storm washes over and leaves behind in the bright sunshine!
Barbara x
We can feel pulled from pillar to post
We can be overly sensitive to people's comments
We can find difficult people very difficult to deal with
So how do we find a way through the "storm"?
By working out what are our thoughts and feelings
By knowing what is important to us
And by knowing our values
This way when it feels like the storm is arriving from all directions
Knowing our own mind is the rock the storm washes over and leaves behind in the bright sunshine!
Barbara x
Sunday, 23 February 2014
[Barbara's Daily Message] Harmony
Light angels,
Spend your time in this world in harmony
Being out of harmony will cause you discomfort
By harmony we mean, internal and external interactions
If you are dissatisfied with life and without a plan to resolve it you will feel significantly out of balance
If you are not looking after yourself the energy conduit you are connected to can make you feel overwhelmed
For those not sleeping well (and not on night duty) this will make you more susceptible to emotional distress and low moods
Focus on bringing yourself into harmony physically, spiritually, mentally
Review your routine and create space in it for balance
Review your attitude to the world and love even in the face of adversity
Accept this world with all it's faults as a petulant teenager, it has it's heart in the right place but it's hormones (read energies) are out of balance
Our job is to help the world through its teenage angst by balancing out those energies
So we can all enjoy peace, love and joy...
The Light xx
Spend your time in this world in harmony
Being out of harmony will cause you discomfort
By harmony we mean, internal and external interactions
If you are dissatisfied with life and without a plan to resolve it you will feel significantly out of balance
If you are not looking after yourself the energy conduit you are connected to can make you feel overwhelmed
For those not sleeping well (and not on night duty) this will make you more susceptible to emotional distress and low moods
Focus on bringing yourself into harmony physically, spiritually, mentally
Review your routine and create space in it for balance
Review your attitude to the world and love even in the face of adversity
Accept this world with all it's faults as a petulant teenager, it has it's heart in the right place but it's hormones (read energies) are out of balance
Our job is to help the world through its teenage angst by balancing out those energies
So we can all enjoy peace, love and joy...
The Light xx
Saturday, 22 February 2014
[Barbara's Daily Message] Acting on your Ideas
There are two parts to every activity
It's conception and it's action
If your actions are not matching what you want to happen
Check in on your ideas of what needs to happen
Tell yourself what outcome you want
"I want a relaxing day" or "I want to finish this report"
And let the actions you want follow...
Barbara x
It's conception and it's action
If your actions are not matching what you want to happen
Check in on your ideas of what needs to happen
Tell yourself what outcome you want
"I want a relaxing day" or "I want to finish this report"
And let the actions you want follow...
Barbara x
[Barbara's Daily Message] Good Enough?
Do you ever feel you are trying to catch up with stuff (work, home, friends etc.)?
Or even just feeling constantly behind?
Or you just aren't good enough?
These are all internal perceptions of ourselves that are unrealistic and unreasonable
We are all good enough
Did you get that?!
We are all good enough
And everything external to us we just need to change our relationship with it
And stop letting life run us
We can choose how we relate to life and live our pace true to ourselves.
Barbara x
Or even just feeling constantly behind?
Or you just aren't good enough?
These are all internal perceptions of ourselves that are unrealistic and unreasonable
We are all good enough
Did you get that?!
We are all good enough
And everything external to us we just need to change our relationship with it
And stop letting life run us
We can choose how we relate to life and live our pace true to ourselves.
Barbara x
Thursday, 20 February 2014
[Barbara's Daily Message] Fast or Slow Lane?
Are you living in the fast lane or the slow lane?
Does it matter which you are in?!
What is the fast lane?
The fast lane is actually us getting caught up in the importance of what we are doing to the detriment of others and even ourselves from our attention
Resulting in us trying to mentally move faster than our own pace or the world around us
We don't have to live at a sloooow pace
We just have to be at the pace we are at
And develop a bit of discipline to spot when we are accelerating beyond our own pace
And ground ourselves back to our own pace.
Barbara x
Does it matter which you are in?!
What is the fast lane?
The fast lane is actually us getting caught up in the importance of what we are doing to the detriment of others and even ourselves from our attention
Resulting in us trying to mentally move faster than our own pace or the world around us
We don't have to live at a sloooow pace
We just have to be at the pace we are at
And develop a bit of discipline to spot when we are accelerating beyond our own pace
And ground ourselves back to our own pace.
Barbara x
Wednesday, 19 February 2014
[Barbara's Daily Message] Own vs Be
Are you tripping over stuff in your home?
Are you buying more stuff everyday?
Are you using the quick fix of ownership to paper over the cracks of your unhappiness?
Life is for living i.e. experiencing life
Rather than doing life or even shopping life!
Try changing your focus from owning material possessions to having joyful experiences
And become happier!
Barbara x
Are you buying more stuff everyday?
Are you using the quick fix of ownership to paper over the cracks of your unhappiness?
Life is for living i.e. experiencing life
Rather than doing life or even shopping life!
Try changing your focus from owning material possessions to having joyful experiences
And become happier!
Barbara x
Tuesday, 18 February 2014
[Barbara's Daily Message] Taking Action
How often do you feel helpless about a situation?
Want to be able to do something to help but feel not able to
As light angels we have more actions available to us than we realise
Usually there will always be practical action we can take
But not always, maybe we hear about something afterwards or the event is far away
But with our light angel perspective we can send love, light and healing
We can ask for the best outcome from the light
We can focus our energies on support and transitions to help others deal with their experiences
And bring peace, calm and light to what is around us.
Barbara x
Want to be able to do something to help but feel not able to
As light angels we have more actions available to us than we realise
Usually there will always be practical action we can take
But not always, maybe we hear about something afterwards or the event is far away
But with our light angel perspective we can send love, light and healing
We can ask for the best outcome from the light
We can focus our energies on support and transitions to help others deal with their experiences
And bring peace, calm and light to what is around us.
Barbara x
Monday, 17 February 2014
[Barbara's Daily Message] Support Yourself
Is life fun or a grind?
Or does that depend how we are feeling?
Often we can feel blown about by the winds of interaction
Happy with positives, sad or drained with negatives
Remember we cut our own path
Let us give ourselves some of what we need and love everyday
Just 5-10 mins a day to do something we each love, for ourselves
Can put a smile on our faces and joy in our hearts...
Barbara x
Or does that depend how we are feeling?
Often we can feel blown about by the winds of interaction
Happy with positives, sad or drained with negatives
Remember we cut our own path
Let us give ourselves some of what we need and love everyday
Just 5-10 mins a day to do something we each love, for ourselves
Can put a smile on our faces and joy in our hearts...
Barbara x
Sunday, 16 February 2014
[Barbara's Daily Message] Reflection
Our journeys are full of ups and downs
We cope, we stretch ourselves, we get on with life
But do we ever reflect on our journeys?
Where we are, where we have come from and where we are going?
Not often
Too often and you can't see the wood for the trees
Too infrequently and we risk missing our wrong turns
Reflecting once a year gives us the opportunity to check in
Check our direction and our inner truth
So we can feel confident in our choices and efforts and realign if needed
If it has been more than a year since you "checked in"
Why not take some time this week to do so...
Barbara x
We cope, we stretch ourselves, we get on with life
But do we ever reflect on our journeys?
Where we are, where we have come from and where we are going?
Not often
Too often and you can't see the wood for the trees
Too infrequently and we risk missing our wrong turns
Reflecting once a year gives us the opportunity to check in
Check our direction and our inner truth
So we can feel confident in our choices and efforts and realign if needed
If it has been more than a year since you "checked in"
Why not take some time this week to do so...
Barbara x
Saturday, 15 February 2014
[Barbara's Daily Message] Your Own Space of Tranquility
In the spaces of swirling energy
Finding your own space of tranquility is key
Lighten your mood and energy with happy and positive thoughts
Root your energy down into the earth
Pull up the earths calming energy into your own
And focus on peace and harmony in your heart
Stay in your zone of peace and harmony while you go about life
If you lose focus, just follow the same steps to return
Practice and building your experience will make returning easier.
Barbara x
Finding your own space of tranquility is key
Lighten your mood and energy with happy and positive thoughts
Root your energy down into the earth
Pull up the earths calming energy into your own
And focus on peace and harmony in your heart
Stay in your zone of peace and harmony while you go about life
If you lose focus, just follow the same steps to return
Practice and building your experience will make returning easier.
Barbara x
[Barbara's Daily Message] Dealing with Spiky Energy
For those of us who are sensitive to energy or other people's moods
How do we handle the ups and downs of events and those around us
Some people will talk about centering themselves
Some will think about protecting themselves with a "cloak" or a wall of light
Others will work on helping the person/event energy improve
These are all options available to us
But there is an another option,
Typically, energy sensitive people vibrate on different levels to the average person
And we can temporarily move ourselves between levels
And this is what happens when an energy spike turns up
It can catch us unaware and drag us to lower levels causing us discomfort and we feel out of sorts/off balance
When the energy is on a different level we can choose to be transparent to it so it passes through our own energy cloud rather than catch on it
We can still choose to take the energy in and transform it into positive energy out into the world
But it doesn't need to knock us off balance
This gives us another tool in our toolbox of coping strategies
Pick and choose which approach to use when you need...
Barbara x
How do we handle the ups and downs of events and those around us
Some people will talk about centering themselves
Some will think about protecting themselves with a "cloak" or a wall of light
Others will work on helping the person/event energy improve
These are all options available to us
But there is an another option,
Typically, energy sensitive people vibrate on different levels to the average person
And we can temporarily move ourselves between levels
And this is what happens when an energy spike turns up
It can catch us unaware and drag us to lower levels causing us discomfort and we feel out of sorts/off balance
When the energy is on a different level we can choose to be transparent to it so it passes through our own energy cloud rather than catch on it
We can still choose to take the energy in and transform it into positive energy out into the world
But it doesn't need to knock us off balance
This gives us another tool in our toolbox of coping strategies
Pick and choose which approach to use when you need...
Barbara x
Thursday, 13 February 2014
[Barbara's Daily Message] Path to Inner Peace
If achieving inner peace was easy
We'd all be there all of the time
But life often tries us
And developing strong core values and principles
And learning to live to them
Comes with being challenged and overcoming our challenges
In times of chaos and confrontation
Remember you are growing, developing and polishing off your skills
So you are able maintain your peace across more of your life.
Barbara x
We'd all be there all of the time
But life often tries us
And developing strong core values and principles
And learning to live to them
Comes with being challenged and overcoming our challenges
In times of chaos and confrontation
Remember you are growing, developing and polishing off your skills
So you are able maintain your peace across more of your life.
Barbara x
Wednesday, 12 February 2014
[Barbara's Daily Message] Take another Step on the Path to Inner Peace
Do you know where you are going in life?
What your divine purpose is in life?
Once you are able to gain clarity about your purpose here on earth
It acts as a North Star in your life
You can see it wherever you are and you can adjust your course to suit
If you are still working out your purpose
Try meditating and holding this question in mind "What is my purpose?" as you go into your meditative state
This way you can share the question with our universal consciousness
And then wait patiently for inspiration to show you.
Barbara x
What your divine purpose is in life?
Once you are able to gain clarity about your purpose here on earth
It acts as a North Star in your life
You can see it wherever you are and you can adjust your course to suit
If you are still working out your purpose
Try meditating and holding this question in mind "What is my purpose?" as you go into your meditative state
This way you can share the question with our universal consciousness
And then wait patiently for inspiration to show you.
Barbara x
Tuesday, 11 February 2014
[Barbara's Daily Message] Another Step on the Path to Inner Peace
Inner peace is an internal experience
As an experience, it is something we gain rather than hold on to
There are a number of ideas, skills and perspectives that together help us bring ourselves to Inner Peace
For those wishing to take this journey
Learning to take the steps, activities and actions in your day
At a calm speed rather than a panic speed
Creates space in your interactions with yourself
To develop the additional skills to bring about inner peace
Try living at a calm speed!
Barbara x
As an experience, it is something we gain rather than hold on to
There are a number of ideas, skills and perspectives that together help us bring ourselves to Inner Peace
For those wishing to take this journey
Learning to take the steps, activities and actions in your day
At a calm speed rather than a panic speed
Creates space in your interactions with yourself
To develop the additional skills to bring about inner peace
Try living at a calm speed!
Barbara x
Sunday, 9 February 2014
[Barbara's Daily Message] A Step on the Path to Inner Peace
We are on a journey
From birth to death
We can fill that journey anyway we choose
As we grow and develop over our lifetime
We face changing constraints or influences from our family, our peers, our ideas, our experiences and our environments
But our minds are only limited by what we can conceive of and what we choose
If a path is not working, if dissatisfaction is a frequent companion in someway
We can use our minds to see and explore new ways and options
When we find a better path, let us understand why it is better and why it might not be
And when we are are ready, we can ask the light for help to guide us to our next path.
Barbara x
From birth to death
We can fill that journey anyway we choose
As we grow and develop over our lifetime
We face changing constraints or influences from our family, our peers, our ideas, our experiences and our environments
But our minds are only limited by what we can conceive of and what we choose
If a path is not working, if dissatisfaction is a frequent companion in someway
We can use our minds to see and explore new ways and options
When we find a better path, let us understand why it is better and why it might not be
And when we are are ready, we can ask the light for help to guide us to our next path.
Barbara x
Saturday, 8 February 2014
[Barbara's Daily Message] Inner Tree
[Barbara's Daily Message] Inner Tree
When you feel the winds of change and challenge coming at you
Swirling and raising your energy
Until you feel fit to burst
Tap into your inner tree
Let your roots be in the earth to ground and lower your energy
Let your branches and leaves move and flex in the wind
To bring your energy back into harmony
Barbara x
See Daily Message Archive:
Friday, 7 February 2014
[Barbara's Daily Message] Resilience
How well do we cope with adversity?
Our resistance to adversity and stress is termed resilience
We can develop resilience through learning from our experiences
Rather than letting our fears rule us, fearing the worst and hiding from our opportunities to grow
Gaining a perspective that our experiences are part of our growth journey
And realising that we can recover, take stock, learn and grow when tough times happen
Means our resilience grows with us
And we grow to handle it!
Barbara x
Our resistance to adversity and stress is termed resilience
We can develop resilience through learning from our experiences
Rather than letting our fears rule us, fearing the worst and hiding from our opportunities to grow
Gaining a perspective that our experiences are part of our growth journey
And realising that we can recover, take stock, learn and grow when tough times happen
Means our resilience grows with us
And we grow to handle it!
Barbara x
Thursday, 6 February 2014
[Barbara's Daily Message] Listening
As light angels we can spend a lot of our time listening
Listening to others, listening to our guides, listening to the ebb and flow of energy
But how much time do we spend listening to ourselves?
Do we know what we feel and why?
Do we acknowledge our moods and feelings and how linked they are to our thoughts?
Do we listen to and understand our reactions to what is going on?
Remember, in our development journey as light angels, we are still human
And listening to ourselves is part of taking care of ourselves.
Barbara x
Listening to others, listening to our guides, listening to the ebb and flow of energy
But how much time do we spend listening to ourselves?
Do we know what we feel and why?
Do we acknowledge our moods and feelings and how linked they are to our thoughts?
Do we listen to and understand our reactions to what is going on?
Remember, in our development journey as light angels, we are still human
And listening to ourselves is part of taking care of ourselves.
Barbara x
Wednesday, 5 February 2014
[Barbara's Daily Message] Being Selfish?
Are you being selfish?
Not selfish enough to give yourself some of your own time and space
But selfish because only your opinion counts
Your world really is self-centric, revolving only around you
If others get something wrong you think you could have done a better job
If someone doesn't get something right for you you bristle with anger or irritation about it
Rather do something yourself because your way is the only way
Have you ever considered the other person
What they are dealing with at the time, even the cause is just a genuine mistake or the outcome is fine really just different
Life is a lot more enjoyable and less volatile if you can accommodate others into your world view
And accept suitable alternative solutions, styles, approaches that others present
Next time "your right way" kicks in, take a deep breath in and ask yourself does it really matter?!
Barbara x
Not selfish enough to give yourself some of your own time and space
But selfish because only your opinion counts
Your world really is self-centric, revolving only around you
If others get something wrong you think you could have done a better job
If someone doesn't get something right for you you bristle with anger or irritation about it
Rather do something yourself because your way is the only way
Have you ever considered the other person
What they are dealing with at the time, even the cause is just a genuine mistake or the outcome is fine really just different
Life is a lot more enjoyable and less volatile if you can accommodate others into your world view
And accept suitable alternative solutions, styles, approaches that others present
Next time "your right way" kicks in, take a deep breath in and ask yourself does it really matter?!
Barbara x
Tuesday, 4 February 2014
[Barbara's Daily Message] Commitment
Are you committed to your decisions and actions?
Ever attended a class, gone through the motions but not really made an effort?
Agreed to go somewhere with someone but been distracted about something else?
Thought to go on a diet but ran out of steam after a few days
Turning up is only part one of the commitment picture, if you don't turn up you'll never start something!
But making a full commitment is both turning up and giving your focus, attention and energy
Since this can be a big deal pick and choose your commitments wisely so you can be truly committed!
Barbara x
Ever attended a class, gone through the motions but not really made an effort?
Agreed to go somewhere with someone but been distracted about something else?
Thought to go on a diet but ran out of steam after a few days
Turning up is only part one of the commitment picture, if you don't turn up you'll never start something!
But making a full commitment is both turning up and giving your focus, attention and energy
Since this can be a big deal pick and choose your commitments wisely so you can be truly committed!
Barbara x
Monday, 3 February 2014
[Barbara's Daily Message] Reward
How do you spend your time?
Working hard, looking after others, clearing lost souls?
Time cannot be saved or stored
Today, now is the time we have, so using time wisely makes sense
Taking time for yourself, having a treat, resting are all rewards for can give ourselves for our efforts
Remember to balance effort with reward to keep ourselves motivated and fresh.
Barbara x
Working hard, looking after others, clearing lost souls?
Time cannot be saved or stored
Today, now is the time we have, so using time wisely makes sense
Taking time for yourself, having a treat, resting are all rewards for can give ourselves for our efforts
Remember to balance effort with reward to keep ourselves motivated and fresh.
Barbara x
Sunday, 2 February 2014
[Barbara's Daily Message] Mother Nature
We often spend time in nature to help us recharge
We spend most of our time and energy as light angels focusing on people
But we often forget about Mother Nature, she occasionally needs a helping hand
Love her as much as she loves us
We can help her in our own ways
Such as loving our gardens, environment, her animals, supporting conservation etc
It's easy to get caught in the day to day roller coaster of our lives
And forget to give Mother Nature a hug when we go by!
Barbara x
We spend most of our time and energy as light angels focusing on people
But we often forget about Mother Nature, she occasionally needs a helping hand
Love her as much as she loves us
We can help her in our own ways
Such as loving our gardens, environment, her animals, supporting conservation etc
It's easy to get caught in the day to day roller coaster of our lives
And forget to give Mother Nature a hug when we go by!
Barbara x
Saturday, 1 February 2014
[Barbara's Daily Message] Spiritual Clutter
We all know about material clutter
Too much stuff, too little space
So what is spiritual clutter?
Spiritual clutter comes from our thoughts and ideas
Assumptions and conclusions we've made about the world and spirit
That trip us up on our light angel path
If we are aware that we have these self created trip hazards strewn about our path
We can at least look out for them and question whether it is a cause of a hiccup when they happen
If you want to be proactive
You can spend time writing down your thoughts and ideas about spiritual matters and/or discuss them with others who are also open minded
And keep the ideas that work for you!
Barbara x
Too much stuff, too little space
So what is spiritual clutter?
Spiritual clutter comes from our thoughts and ideas
Assumptions and conclusions we've made about the world and spirit
That trip us up on our light angel path
If we are aware that we have these self created trip hazards strewn about our path
We can at least look out for them and question whether it is a cause of a hiccup when they happen
If you want to be proactive
You can spend time writing down your thoughts and ideas about spiritual matters and/or discuss them with others who are also open minded
And keep the ideas that work for you!
Barbara x
[Barbara's Daily Message] Feeling Agitated?
Got that agitated feeling?
Can't concentrate, flitter from one thing to the next, things going round and round in the mind?
When we start to get emotional but we can't resolve it we can often end up agitated
Being agitated is tiring, ineffective and not a nice place to be
Learning to move ourselves from that agitated feeling to a calm space is a skill we can develop
First step identify why, not only the topic or interaction but also the emotional response such as, feeling let down or ignored
Then ask if it really matters, if no, we're done!
If yes, understand why and what you can do to help yourself with it
Sometimes just looking after oneself, practising acceptance or reevaluating our assumptions about a situation will help, etc, other times it's more than one action.
Either way we're trying to shift our perspective from an emotional, child like response to a pragmatic, adult response so we can resolve the issue as much as possible
And calm down!
Barbara x
Can't concentrate, flitter from one thing to the next, things going round and round in the mind?
When we start to get emotional but we can't resolve it we can often end up agitated
Being agitated is tiring, ineffective and not a nice place to be
Learning to move ourselves from that agitated feeling to a calm space is a skill we can develop
First step identify why, not only the topic or interaction but also the emotional response such as, feeling let down or ignored
Then ask if it really matters, if no, we're done!
If yes, understand why and what you can do to help yourself with it
Sometimes just looking after oneself, practising acceptance or reevaluating our assumptions about a situation will help, etc, other times it's more than one action.
Either way we're trying to shift our perspective from an emotional, child like response to a pragmatic, adult response so we can resolve the issue as much as possible
And calm down!
Barbara x
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