Wednesday, 31 July 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Forgiveness

We are here on our journey of learning and loving
We aren't perfect, we are human
When we get something wrong, correct or recover as best as you can
When you realise you are wrong, admit it and apologise
Then, rather than telling yourself off, remember to learn from it, love and forgive yourself.

Barbara x

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Tuesday, 30 July 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Life Giving

Water, we can't do without it
Remember to drink enough so you can function as well as possible
But remember, to maintain balance
Too much water takes us out of balance
But too little also takes us out of balance
Remember the Goldilocks approach for our resources: not too much, not too little, just right!

Barbara x

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Monday, 29 July 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] - Have fun

Why do you think we are on this planet?
Just to live,  yes but that misses some detail
Living is not just about time passing and meeting your critical needs (food, water, sleep)
Its also about having fun
Life is too short for dull and boring
Enjoy life, have fun everyday.

Barbara x

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Sunday, 28 July 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] - Inner Calm

One aspect of inner calm comes from self confidence to handle what life brings
While we may fear change remember we've already handled lots of change
So moving forward we can continue the same
Remember your past achievements, build your confidence and bring on your inner calm

Barbara x

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Saturday, 27 July 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] - Consistency

Do you walk your talk?
Are you being consistent with your own truth in all situations?
Its relatively easy to walk your talk in normal everyday situations but what about when push comes to shove
Have you really changed your attitudes?
Our behaviour under stress really shows our true attitudes and beliefs
If you've displayed attitudes or beliefs that you prefer you hadn't
Focus your efforts on working out why they surface each time and getting to the heart of the issue stopping you adopting the attitude/belief you want
Unsurfacing the issue enables you to work on resolving it
Remember, be patient, compassionate and support yourself on your journey.

Barbara x

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Friday, 26 July 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] A Life Carved in Stone?

Is your life carved in stone?
Do you already know what you will do with the rest of your life?
Often people talk about fate or destiny as if they are fixed
While we all have a cosmic purpose
We still have choice
We can choose our journey, our route towards our cosmic purpose
For instance, if you love gardening
And your cosmic purpose was to help children develop into balanced happy adults
You could follow your purpose through the medium of gardening rather than teaching
Aligning your life around your cosmic purpose brings inner peace and personal satisfaction
Follow your cosmic purpose with an open mind and through the medium you love the most.

Barbara x

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Thursday, 25 July 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] - Frustration

Ever been frustrated?!
Activities or life not going in the direction you want it to?
Outcomes not matching what you expected?
Life, courtsey of the light, is giving you feedback!
An opportunity to evaluate whether you are making the best choices, moving yourself in the right direction
If you are going in the right direction ask yourself what learnings, experiences and actions would move you forwards
If you are going in any direction but the one you want stop pushing and creating frustration, look at what is working and build on what is working well.
Use frustration to take stock and adjust your course.

Barbara x

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Wednesday, 24 July 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] - Living in Harmony Part 3

The world is a place of balance: harmony and discord
Discord can build, without emptying it harmony can be difficult to achieve
Spending time daily balancing yourself welcomes harmony in
Practice meditation, tai chi, yoga and/or deep breathing
All drain discord and promote balance.

Barbara x

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Tuesday, 23 July 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] - Living in Harmony Part 2

Do you feel in harmony with the world and those around you?
This doesn't mean doing the same things as others or wearing the same outfits or thinking the same things
What it does mean is we share common values that make us human
Peace, love, truth, compassion, openness, respect
When everybody shares common values they are in harmony
When everybody shares these common values we are all in harmony with ourselves and the world
Embrace your part in the harmony of this world
Live our common values.

Barbara x

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Monday, 22 July 2013

Tweet from Dalai Lama (@DalaiLama)

Dalai Lama (@DalaiLama) tweeted at 10:31 AM on Mon, Jul 22, 2013:

"Peace can only be achieved through non-violence. This is something we have to train and educate our children to put into effect."

[Barbara's Daily Message] Living in Harmony Part 1

Are you feeling "in harmony" with yourself?
Or are you feeling conflicted, out of balance or dissatisfied?
Disharmony can occur when we haven't aligned the multiple aspects of ourselves
Do you know what you value most?
Perhaps peace, love, learning or others?
What are your top 5 values?
Work this out by brainstorming what is important to you and prioritising them
Once you know work out what your values mean to your daily life
Keep them front of mind and use them to guide your day to day interactions and decisions.

Barbara x

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Sunday, 21 July 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] - Joy

Joy comes from the heart
Do you have enough joy in your life?
If yes, please share...
If no, open your heart to life, new experiences, to friends and family you trust and value
Let joy into your heart so you can fill up on the joy of living.

Barbara x

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Saturday, 20 July 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] - Do you Love your life?

Have you ever woken up one morning, looked at your life and realised it wasn't what you wanted?
The tough reality is: Your life now is a product of the decisions you have made and keep making.
Its easy to blame someone else about how your life has turned out but the responsibility sits with ourselves, no one else
The light gives us forks in the road in the journey of life but we choose which fork to take
If your reality doesn't match your goal, change it
Assess which areas of your life you would change, work out what you want
And start making decisions and taking actions based on what you actually want!
Be patient, steer yourself in the right direction, remember you are the master of your life.

Barbara x

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Friday, 19 July 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] - Respect

Want to do your part for world peace?
Look in your own back yard!
Respect the opinions of everybody you come into contact with
You may agree or disagree
But its just an opinion, listen and share
Stop escalations by preventing yourself antagonising others
Peaceful sharing, peaceful demonstration and peaceful actions are key - respect everyone's right to voice an opinion
Just don't expect everyone to agree
Respect, time and discussion bring opportunity for win-win solutions to be found.

Barbara x

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Thursday, 18 July 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] - Gratitude

Its easy to start an argument if you are always looking at what you haven't got
Remember, while there is always someone with more than you
There is also always someone with less than you
Joy does not come from material possessions
They remove discomfort instead of bringing joy
Ask the light for help with removing discomfort if this is what you need
And be grateful for what you have.

Barbara x

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Wednesday, 17 July 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] - Keeping Perspective

When life gets on top of you are you keeping everything in perspective?
Are you a glass half full or a glass half empty?
If you want to enjoy life more how does a negative perspective help achieve this?
It doesn't
Only looking at what you haven't done yet or your gap to goal focuses on what is missing
Recognise and value what you have done and achieved already as well as an eye on the journey ahead
If your focus is a glass half empty, review and value what you have achieved on a daily basis.

Barbara x

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Tuesday, 16 July 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] - Long Term Goal

What is the light's long term goal?
To protect the planet
And to bring balance so all the species thrive
All species includes humans, animals, plants, insects and their souls
All our souls need to develop to bring love, peace and a steading influence to this world on its journey
The light asks for you to help on the journey
Listen to and seek their guidance
Let the light help you and your fellow creatures
Value and respect diversity
Bring people together, help others thrive in this life through your own journey.

Barbara x

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Monday, 15 July 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] - Do you love being right?

Do you love being right in your life?
Reminding, correcting people or proving yourself to others
So you think if you are right that you're ok?
But what impact does that have on others?
How does that make them feel?
Is it a win-win scenario?
Does it make them enjoy, value or like your interactions with them?
No, it doesn't
Why not think about how you want to come across?
A positive, happy interaction perhaps
And then follow that through!
Stop being right and value others points of view..

Barbara x

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Sunday, 14 July 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] - Self Belief

Confidence is born of success
If you don't think you are very good at something
Are you trying to run before you can walk?
Every skill requires the accumulation of  different levels of knowledge and understanding
If you skip a bit or a lot eventually it will stop you improving
To start with you'll make rapid progress but you will have to deal with the gap to move forward
Or you could end up feeling embarrassed, hiding the gap and then it gets in the way
Remember the quickest route in the long run is to take every step
and enjoy them!

Barbara x

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Saturday, 13 July 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - What is Peace?

What is peace?
Peace is our natural state and the natural state of this world when we have conflict management and resolution systems and strategies in place.
A strange definition but still true
The difference is these systems and strategies require patience, commitment and respect
When we don't have them in place big problems can occur
Reacting immediately to our emotional perspectives leads to escalation and deterioration between parties
Instead listen to your emotions while recognising the value of others and use your brain to resolve the disagreement
Be reasonable, patient and respectful
Live peace in your world everyday.

Barbara x

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Friday, 12 July 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] - Custodians

Did you know we are only custodians of our planet Earth
Not owners of it
This means we need to care for our planet, our home and support its natural way of living
We need to ensure our impact remains within the Earth's recovery actions
And enjoy our lives on Earth in peace and harmony.

Barbara x

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Thursday, 11 July 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Who is a Light Leader?

Different people have different roles in life
Some provide support, others guidance, some cause conflict, others solve it.
Leadership is one role of manycroles  keeping the world going round
Most people think not everyone can be a leader
I disagree
I think everyone leads someone or something at some time.
So, this changes my definition of leader from an overarching, figurehead concept to an interaction based idea
Light leadership can occur all the time from everybody with their interactions with others
Lead your light with others.

Barbara x

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Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Barbara's Daily Message: Stress - its your choice

When something we wanted, planned or agreed hasn't worked out
And we end up feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, angry or wronged
How are we going to deal with those feelings?
Shout at someone, go for a run, or stew or grumble until you fizzle out?
When these emotions are building up we have a choice to let it continue or not
Really, the choice is there.
If we could step back and see the hamster wheel of reaction
If something happens that we don't like we frequently jump straight onto the hamster wheel and escalate a reaction
But once we realise that there is a point when we choose to jump on the hamster wheel it is possible to not jump on the wheel and find a new outlet or just wait
So next time we are reacting, we have a choice
Try a different one:
Stop, skip the hamster wheel, accept what's happened and focus on resolving it.

Barbara x

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Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - Dealing with Negative Actions

When its a tough week and negative things happen
Do you ever question why they happen?
Not everyone has woken up to the light
Not everyone has worked out that peace, truth, compassion, connection and love are the foundations of a happy fulfilling world and life
If you don't know this you can be filled up with negative emotions that build up into negative actions
To help bring change we need to share our love, truth, compassion, connection and peace with people and this world as much as we can
The more we touch others with the light the less negativity can take over.

Barbara x

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Monday, 8 July 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - Living Your Own Truth

Living our own truth
Also means helping others find their own and live it
Staying centered, keeping an open eye (rather than a blind eye) on the world around us
Remember being true to yourself and standing for truth is the easiest place to live!

Barbara x

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Sunday, 7 July 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - Your Conception

When the Mayan calendar ran out last December some people expected the end of the world
But it didn't happen
It showed us that the Mayan people couldn't conceive beyond this point
But did we live beyond this point?
Yes we did
This indicates that "stuff" can exist beyond that we can conceive
The light can fit this category for some, doesn't mean its not real.
Appreciate what we can conceive and open your mind, heart and spirit to that which is beyond it
And look for what really is possible...

Barbara x

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Barbara's Daily Message - Internal Stress

Internal stress doesn't always have a specific cause
It is just an accumulation of "stuff" within ourselves that we haven't cleared out
Internal stress can just be an unsettled feeling that means you can't sit still or be quiet or you are short tempered or irritable without an external cause
When you notice internal stress don't ignore it, take action to get rid of it
Ways to get rid of internal stress:
- Exercise/walking
- Calm contemplation/ deep breathing
- Meditation
- Tai chi/Yoga
Empty your stress bucket using these approaches on a regular basis to remain calm and relaxed.

Barbara x

Friday, 5 July 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - Insecurities

Insecurities drive our actions and behaviours
The more insecurities we have the more we lack confidence and the more insecure we feel
Insecurities can be unanswered questions, unresolved concerns, personal self-criticisms and even unreasonable expectations of ourselves
Insecurities plague our minds and mess up our inner calm and peace
Facing and accepting each one of our insecurities is part of our journey towards inner calm and inner peace.

Barbara x

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Thursday, 4 July 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - See Your Perspective

In the minutae of life the light finds the concept of right and wrong too black and white
Right and wrong depends on your perspective
What if we stopped basing our daily decisions on predetermined rights and wrongs
But chose win-win options and solutions for ourselves and others each time
This way our actions build benefit for everyone together.

Barbara x

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Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - World of Dreams

When we sleep we enter a world of dreams
Many of our life puzzles are worked out while we sleep
Much guidance from the light is given in our dreams
So if you have a problem or challenge you would like help with
Write it down on paper
Read it before you sleep and mull on it as you nod off
In the morning when you wake up re-read your problem and write down all the answers that come to you
Review and reflect on your responses over the next few days to digest and decide what you are going to do.

Barbara x

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Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - Being Fair

Mirror, mirror on the wall
Who is the fair-est of them all?
...The light
Bringing opportunities for all to develop their souls in their lifetimes
If we want to be the fair-est of them all
We need to bring peace, love and compassion to everything we do
Then we leave the fair-est impact on everyone we meet.

Barbara x

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Monday, 1 July 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - Our World

Do you dream of changing the world?
Of leaving your mark, or making a difference in the world?
The world is a big place
7 billion people in this world and counting
Can one person touch or change everyone's life?
No, not directly
The truth is we can't change the whole world, in one go, all at once
We change the world over time
Starting with our own world
We change the world by changing ourselves first and our interactions with others everyday
Be love and peace
Share love and peace
Leave love and peace.

Barbara x

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