Thursday, 31 October 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Being Reactive

When your life is feeling stuck
Like it's going round and round
Following the daily grind
You might have forgotten something:
Looking after your own needs
In the short term reacting to others needs and urgent priorities is a successful strategy
But only in the short term
Being reactive in the long term neglects your own needs leading to fatigue and a low mood
In times of challenge, remember to be proactive, do at least one thing for yourself everyday!

Barbara x

See Daily Message Archive:

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Engaging in Living

Turning up in life is not living
Our bodies are present but we can end up going through the motions
Having your body, mind and spirit involved in what you are doing
And all of them involved in the decisions you are making
And listening to their feedback so you can adjust your course
Means you are being engaged in living...

Barbara x

See Daily Message Archive:

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] What Journey?

Everyone knows that a journey starts with taking the first step
But what journey do you need to take?
Perceiving of the journey is often the hardest part
Take time to reflect and think about where you want to be in life
The answer will come
And when you are ready you can decide to follow.
Deciding to follow the journey is the second step
So once you know and decide to follow the teachers and supporters will appear.

Barbara x

See Daily Message Archive:

Monday, 28 October 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Asking for Help

We can often ask for help from the light
But how do you expect to receive it?
A gut feeling?
A message?
A sudden resolution of your problem?
More often than not they will act through other people
People, often the source of the problem are also the source of help
Remember to be open to others helping you rather than doing everything yourself.

Barbara x

See Daily Message Archive:

Sunday, 27 October 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Taking Responsibility

The light is here with us to help the world move towards a strong, positive balance
They give us help and guidance to move our own lives towards a strong, positive balance
This doesn't stop us taking responsibility for our own lives
Working out what we want do and how we want to behave
Use the advice and support from the light to help make better decisions in your own life.

Barbara x

See Daily Message Archive:   

Saturday, 26 October 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Light Pets

Being close to the light is not exclusive to us humans
Nature and animals are also a part
And part of the support network for both us and this planet
And our pets often have a key role supporting us on our journey
The unsung heroes of the light...

Barbara x

See Daily Message Archive:

Friday, 25 October 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] A Lighter View

When the weather deteriorates
And the light is dark
How do you feel?
If you need help
Take some time to "see" nature
And value it's beauty to bring the light back in

Barbara x

See Daily Message Archive:

Thursday, 24 October 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Gut Feeling?

How often do you take things at face value?
Often or not often?
We tend to take things at face value when we are used to something or when the situation matches our expectations
Have you ever taken something at face value when you know you shouldn't have
When your gut feeling said otherwise?
Both our own experiences and the light's feedback contributes to our gut feeling
Even if you are in familiar territory, if your gut feeling is saying something
Spend time working out the concern and then take action.
More often than not you will be pleased you did!

Barbara x

See Daily Message Archive:

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Equality

Joy or love
Sadness or fear
We are all equal
Prince or pauper
Let us all live, love and breathe
And share our humanity with others.

Barbara x

See Daily Message Archive:   

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Two journeys

We all know we are on a journey
A journey of discovery
But in reality this is made up of two parts
Balance in our lives is achieved by travelling on both
We have a journey to understand and follow the light
One that also helps others to find and live with the light
But there is also a personal journey
One that means we change and support ouselves as well as others
We ensure we have all we need
If we do one without the other or ignore one we are out of balance
Understand and take action on both journeys to remain in balance.

Barbara x

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Monday, 21 October 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Ebb and Flow

Energy is all around us
We see it in the birds, the animals, ourselves and in nature
It is the natural rhythm of life
Upbeat in summer, slow and recuperating in winter
We can't "see" it but we can see its effects
Some of us can feel it but we all feel its effects
The natural ebb and flow of life brings ups and downs
The more sensitive to energy we are the more we can flow with it
Keeping yourself grounded and calm will allow the up and down swirls to pass on by.

Barbara x 

See Daily Message Archive: 

Sunday, 20 October 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Space for yourself

Choosing to look after your own needs is not being selfish
It is ensuring that you have enough of what you need to live
And follow your purpose
Behaving in a way that costs you time, energy and spirit continuously
Will leave you exhausted and demotivated without understanding why
Ensure you have enough space and time for yourself
To look after yourself and others and to follow your journey.

Barbara x

See Daily Message Archive: 

Saturday, 19 October 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Tired with Life?

Living in the busy-ness of life
It's easy to get sucked into doing and achieving everything
Leaving us worn out and tired with life
While choosing what to do is necessary, 
It is just as important to decide what you are not doing
Focus on your most important things and stop everything else
To ensure that you have time to rest, relax and recover.

Barbara x

See Daily Message Archive: 

Friday, 18 October 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Joy of Light!

Being guided by the light can often be seen as hard
But this is usually during the adjustment phase when we have to "learn the ropes"
And let go of many of our unhelpful habits we're used to
Living with the light brings a unique and special connection to the world
Having a guide to walk with us in life helps us through our journey
With us is a vast, highly resourceful helping hand when we need it and when we ask for it
Developing and living the values of the light opens new avenues and brings us people, joy, love and laughter into our lives
Bring on the joy of light!

Barbara x

See Daily Message Archive: 

Thursday, 17 October 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Weathering the Storm of Life

Energy sensitive people are more prone to insecurities
Because they pick up others emotions easily
It can derail one's own sense of self
Being open, honest and true is part of the spiritual journey but can increase the impact of others emotions on oneself
Identifying, developing and knowing your core values and principles for life
Brings a solid foundation, an inner strength
That can cope with the roller coaster of emotions
Live in balance and develop your inner strength to withstand the storms of life.

Barbara x

See Daily Message Archive: 

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Our True Selves

Our spiritual selves are uncluttered and honest, perhaps even naive
This is our true spirit within a human structure
Our human selves are on a journey to let our spiritual selves shine through
While being the best our human selves can be too
Mind, body and spirit
All working and being together in harmony
That is our true self.

Barbara x

See Daily Message Archive: 

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Gentle Reminders...

We can often forget all the useful "advice" we have collected
And end up returning to our thinking "roots"
The light knows this and gives us gentle reminders in life about our lessons already learned
Life can be a bit of a roller coaster
But these small interactions (such as your glasses falling apart to remind you to go to the opticians!) are a reminder of what you need to do or think
Listen and use the prompts to help guide you on your journey.

Barbara x

See Daily Message Archive: 

Monday, 14 October 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] The Power to Transform

Never under estimate the power of small acts to change the course of life
Whether for good or not every interaction has an impact
Our focus on peace, love, truth and compassion
Brings a positive energy and impact on the world
Keep up the positive intentions as well as actions because these added together
Will also bring about positive change.

Much love and hugs

Barbara x

See Daily Message Archive: 

Sunday, 13 October 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Tuning In

When the energy of the world changes
Whether from seasons, vibrations or the global heart beat
Those sensitive to the light and energy will find the variations tougher to adjust to
Taking time each day to connect to the earth's energy and the sky's energy will help adjust your inner vibration to the global vibration
And reduce the personal impact of the changes.

Barbara x

See Daily Message Archive: 

Saturday, 12 October 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Glitter and Sparkle...

Spending time with the light can be more serious than fun
With negative energy trouncing positive
It's easy to focus on what is hard
Remember to reward yourself, do things to bring fun and enjoyment in your life
Maybe even enjoy some glitter and sparkle fun once in a while!

Barbara x

See Daily Message Archive: 

Friday, 11 October 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Love and Light

We know that love makes the world go around
But day in day out it feels like money
These are different worlds, the world of love is our emotional, connecting selves
And love helps us with deal with our day to day reality
Love yourself, share love with others, help build and balance the emotional world
And when you are tired or low ask the light for love to help build and balance your own world.

Barbara x

See Daily Message Archive:   

Thursday, 10 October 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Self Care

Want to live our light values: Love, peace, compassion and truth?
It's harder to do so when we're exhausted, run down, stressed or anxious
Take the time to look after yourself, accept you are human
Keep yourself in the best condition you can to help your practice of these values.

Barbara x

See Daily Message Archive:   

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Staying Positive

When the sun is shining its easier to be positive and motivated
When cold or rainy weather turns up, what do you do?
Being positive has more to do with how well we feel we can cope and handle what is going on in our lives
If you are feeling over whelmed, demotivated to run down
Take care of yourself
Work what one task or action if you got done would make the biggest benefit
And focus on getting it done!
Taking useful action supports positivity and motivation!

Barbara x

See Daily Message Archive:   

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Feeling the Pressure?

What do you do when the pressure is on?
Carry on calmly?
Get wound up and explode at other people?
Or get wound up internally and tense but not say a word?
We all have triggers that get us going
And the presence of one or more means we are liable to over react
No trigger or a below the reaction threshold we'll stay calm
With a trigger present or above our threshold, off we go scurrying down the path and hey presto, unwanted behaviour repeated
In the cold light of day, look at your triggers and question what ideas or concerns are behind them
Once you identify them you can take action to resolve the underlying problem
Then you can enjoy carrying on calmly!

Barbara x

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Sunday, 6 October 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Our Best Friend

The light gave us all a best friend
To hangout with, to share our thoughts and problems with and to ask for help
She's undervalued but is always there for us
She's Mother Nature!
She loves visits and chats
And you can visit her as often as you need and want, wherever you are!

Barbara x

Saturday, 5 October 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Slow Down

Who told us to live life in the fast lane?
What are we running for?
Living is about enjoying the journey not leaping straight to the destination
Immerse yourself in life and enjoy each hour and each day, everyday.

Barbara x

Friday, 4 October 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Loving Light

If you are having a hard day
And are in need of extra help
Ask the light to send you some healing energy
To help you with your journey
Remember you can ask for what you need and the light will help...

Barbara x

Thursday, 3 October 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Be Yourself

Being close to the light
It's easy to hide this part of yourself
While no-one needs to share their inner most secrets
It is important to be yourself
You can bring your light values of love, compassion, truth and peace into everything you do
And be consistent with your truth in all aspects of your life.

Barbara x

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Light leaders

Calling all light leaders
There is work to be done, light to be shared
Part of the journey of the light is to grow and become stronger
The light does this by presenting challenges and experiences to you
The light needs you to live, breathe and share the values of the light:
Love, compassion, peace and truth
As you bring your personal journey to the light life will become easier.

Barbara x

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Power of Love

The world is currently driven by power
Being motivated by power means decisions and visions do not come from the heart but from staying on top
This causes rifts in the world's energy and hurts communities
Be motivated by love, share love with others and our planet
Love heals
Love brings people and communities together
Love builds and brings our world together.

Barbara x

See Daily Message Archive:

[Barbara's Daily Message] Connections with Technology

Light beings, we love connections
We connect whether in person, by spirit or through the energy web within our planet
When we use technology, this can change our vibrations within our energy web,
Becoming energetically isolated
Technology helps us share our voices
And give us more opportunities to create communities of light beings
And find connections
Remember to stay connected
Use your connection to the energy web to reset your vibrations if you get absorbed into technology...

Barbara x