Thursday, 20 June 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - Running on Empty?

Ever feel like you are running on empty?
Running the road you are on without an end in sight
Or a rest stop?
Have you got so used to putting everyone else first you've forgotten yourself?
Do a quick self scan:
Check in with yourself - how tired are you, how busy or energetic or stressed/frazzled are you?
If you tending towards the top end of these scales it is probably affecting your health, choices, decisions and personality (even if you think it isn't)
Take the opportunity now to take stock
Stop filling your time with "stuff" and put yourself first
Are you arguing? I can't or I've got to...
Remember you can't support everyone else without supporting and looking after yourself
Start with just 10-20mins a day of active relaxation/chill out time*, it will make a difference and increase the time gradually.

Barbara x

*Active relaxation/chill out: e.g. meditation, tai chi, gentle exercise like walking, yoga, etc.
Passive relaxation doesn't count: watching tv, playing on the computer, etc.

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