Sunday, 30 June 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - Self Forgiveness

Living in the light its easier to focus on others
Treat others with positive calm and loving compassion
But what about yourself?
Do you treat yourself with positive calm and loving compassion?
If you get something wrong do you accept, learn and forgive yourself?
Or do you criticise yourself and add it to the long list of experiences you think you should have done better?
Living in this world is not about being perfect
Its all about learning and growing
This is only possible through making mistakes and learning for next time
Love learning and growing
Love, accept and forgive yourself... always

Barbara x

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Friday, 28 June 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - be free

Let yourself be free
Let the light support you
Welcome love, passion and joyful adventure into your life
With a life bathed in light.

Barbara x

Sent from Samsung Mobile

Thursday, 27 June 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - Leaving a Legacy

When our life has left this planet
What do you want to be known for?
How do you want to be remembered?
Take some time now to think of your top 3 things
It might be a loving, caring, free spirit
Or a charasmatic and motivational leader
Or a good mum and friend
Whatever it is, check that where you are heading matches the legacy you want to leave behind
Then you will know that you are being the person you want to be, today.

Barbara x

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Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - Peace in this World

Peace at last, peace in our world
This is our goal
To bring peace to all people and all interactions wherever they maybe
To achieve this we all need to promote peace
We can all contribute to world peace
Through a daily "peace contribution"
Send love and peace to the world everyday
To boost the global peace "energy bank"
Giving more positive energy to be shared amongst those who need it.

Barbara x

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Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - Choose

When life is turning on the spot
Waiting to choose a direction
Will you get off and choose your own direction
Or will you wait until you are thrown off
The light wants you to choose your path
And make your way compatible with the light
The light wants you to enjoy your time, your actions, your life
This brings a depth of positivity to the world for all to share
Every one of our actions taken when aligned with the light fills the well of creation with positive spiritual energy
Which transforms this world
Fill her up, share and transform.

Barbara x

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Monday, 24 June 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - the light

The light shares many things
It is the source of many things:
Energy, destiny, experiences, kindred spirits, synchronicity, soul development...
All peace and chaos is brought to the melting pot of earth
To enable our souls to experience journeys of life within ourselves and the value of peace within the world around us
The light's goal is to bring the earth back into balance and to maintain balance
So everything can live in harmony together
And us?
To live in balance and harmony with our world and everything in it and to share peace, live and compassion with all.

Barbara x

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Sunday, 23 June 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - Everyday Life

How does living with the light work in an everyday life?
Sometimes it isn't different and sometimes it is
Life continues as normal, this doesn't change - you don't suddenly wake up somewhere else
But life changes on a day to day, moment by moment basis
Things that fit your path become easier, guides and help appear in your life as needed
And you slowly but surely steer your life towards your purpose and calling over time.

Barbara x

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Saturday, 22 June 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - Staying with Change

When we decide and make changes we feel better
We feel ownership and control over our own lives
But sometimes they don't stay changed
Why do some changes manage to stick and not others?
Changes that are easy or life is easier with them, we tend to stick with and we get used to them
Changes that are big or a significant behavioural change require a lot of energy to do
These have a higher failure rate
Its simple really, easy to understand
As soon as we get tired, stressed or busy we don't have enough energy to keep them going
So break down the big change into smaller steps
When you get tired if you do at least one of the steps that is still success
And you can stay on your path.

Barbara x

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Friday, 21 June 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - Balance

When the sun is out we tend to feel so much better
Bright sunshine, warmth, energy from the sun
That energy not only helps plants to grow but us to grow, feel better and energise us
Put the sun to good use
But remember that you can also have too much of a good thing
Balance is also required
Sun, water, rest
Bring them together for an energised balanced.

Barbara x

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Thursday, 20 June 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - Running on Empty?

Ever feel like you are running on empty?
Running the road you are on without an end in sight
Or a rest stop?
Have you got so used to putting everyone else first you've forgotten yourself?
Do a quick self scan:
Check in with yourself - how tired are you, how busy or energetic or stressed/frazzled are you?
If you tending towards the top end of these scales it is probably affecting your health, choices, decisions and personality (even if you think it isn't)
Take the opportunity now to take stock
Stop filling your time with "stuff" and put yourself first
Are you arguing? I can't or I've got to...
Remember you can't support everyone else without supporting and looking after yourself
Start with just 10-20mins a day of active relaxation/chill out time*, it will make a difference and increase the time gradually.

Barbara x

*Active relaxation/chill out: e.g. meditation, tai chi, gentle exercise like walking, yoga, etc.
Passive relaxation doesn't count: watching tv, playing on the computer, etc.

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Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - Our Natural Selves

Living in the light needs us to be our natural selves
True to ourselves and our true nature
Not bent to meet our own will or expectations or those of others
Are you self- critical, dismissive or judgemental?
To be our true selves, to reflect our true nature
We need to accept ourselves, accept our own needs, be inwardly compassionate and non judgemental
Then we can enjoy being our true selves

Barbara x

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Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Tweet from Dalai Lama (@DalaiLama)

Dalai Lama (@DalaiLama) tweeted at 10:55 AM on Tue, Jun 18, 2013:

"Genuine peace is based on inner peace, because you cannot build peace on the basis of anger."


Barbara x

Barbara's Daily Message - Eating Elephants

How do you eat an elephant?
One bite at a time
Are you fond of eating elephants? No?!
Where does this analogy also apply?
Aligning your life to one that lives in the light
Once we've decided, it won't be an instant transition, although we would like it to be.
Change never is
Take steps to align your wants, needs, activities and decision making everyday
Accept the ups and downs, successes and learnings
Keep taking steps and action in the right direction
Be kind and compassionate to yourself when it doesn't work
Learn and keep taking the steps
Take one step at a time, live one day at a time...
You are here for life not just today!

Barbara x

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Sunday, 16 June 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - Share

Bring joy, peace and love to this world
Make your place in the world better
Bring love, peace and joy to your friends, family, colleagues and to friends you haven't met yet
Share the best of yourself with others
So they can share your joy, love and peace
And pass your light on to others to help them share
Share so others can enjoy and pass on the privilege...

Barbara x

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Saturday, 15 June 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - Living in the Light

While living in the light isn't free of the everyday hassles of living
If you listen and envelop yourself in the energy and philosophy of the light
Your life will become calmer and more focused on the important aspects
Giving you a more relaxing, rewarding, enjoyable life
Engage and enjoy.

Barbara x

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Friday, 14 June 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - Be Reasonable To Yourself

Why do we over do it?
Push too hard, do too much?
Why can't we accept our own limitations
And look after ourselves?
Are we trying to prove something (to somebody)?
Or are we trying to sabotage ourselves?
Remember everyone is of equal importance and value, that includes each one of us
And each one of us doesn't need to prove, beat or sacrifice ourselves for someone else
Whoever said live life to the full didn't mean live an over filled and overstretched life
Love yourself, be OK with yourself and be reasonable to yourself.

Barbara x

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Thursday, 13 June 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - Roads Most Travelled By

Every person is valued and accepted by the light
Whatever the circumstances, situation or character
Each of us have travelled many roads of life to where we are today
If you find yourself in an unexpected place in life
Look at the roads you travelled by
And consider where you want the next part of your journey to take you
Ask the light to help you
So you can meet the needs of your self, your soul and your spirit on your onward journey.

Barbara x

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Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - Are you scared of something?

Are you scared of something?
Is your fear founded or is it a spark from your imagination fuelled into fire by the unknown?
Unreal or out of proportion fears can rule our lives
Prevent us from doing what we want when we want
It saps our personal strength and self confidence
But this isn't because we are weak or incapable
Its because we're not facing our fears
Define what you are afraid of and why
Really examine why, ask why, why and why, drill down to the underlying reason
Then ask yourself if its a real reason or a myth
If its myth let it go,
If its real face it and work out what you would do if it happened to lesson and overcome the fear
Face your fears, unlock your reasons and pass through them.

Barbara x

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Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - Choices

When we start out in life
We don't know where we are going
We make choices and decisions that affect our path and direction in life
Today, while we may still not know our direction we can ensure we make our choices based on love, compassion, truth, peace and a consideration of those it affects
This way we continue with life while staying true to the light and ourselves.

Barbara x

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Monday, 10 June 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - Life Discovery

Working for the light is part of the journey of life discovery
The light can direct and promote actions which help individuals, groups and the planet get better
We can all have a role with the light
For example, anything from making people happy, keeping them entertained to protecting and supporting people, animals, environment and our communities...
Have a think about how you could be involved
And then follow your heart.

Barbara x

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Sunday, 9 June 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - Love Life

Love life
Love light
Keep the light in your life
A constant companion whenever and wherever you need help and support
Enjoy peace, support, love and compassion when you and the light are on your path.

Barbara x

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Saturday, 8 June 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - Making Mistakes

Do you find yourself making the same mistakes?
Do you get frustrated that you keep making them?
Have you given yourself time to think about what you need to learn or change?
Or do you need to be more accepting of yourself?
Or all of the above?
Making mistakes is an opportunity in disguise
An opportunity to improve ourselves
Accept, learn and continue making mistakes
Its shows we are progressing on our paths.

Barbara x

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Friday, 7 June 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - self love

In theory, there is nothing wrong with wanting to be prettier, taller, stronger or slimmer
Until it takes over your focus, your actions, your goals or even your inner desires
Or you think you've accepted yourself but deep down you still want to be the prettiest, tallest, strongest or slimmest girl or boy in class.
If you are hiding an inner criticism of your imperfections it is time to get them out
Air them
And then look at them
And ask yourself one question:
If you achieved this degree of perfection you were after what real impact would it have on your life?
Generally, none in the medium - long term as it won't make you feel better
Because most people will just go and find another self critical point!
Remember, the important people in your life love you for who you are warts and all
And you love the important people in your life warts and all
So why not drop the overzealous self critical evaluation
And love yourself warts and all
Then you really will feel better for it

Much love

Barbara x

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Thursday, 6 June 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - Life's a Beach!

Life's a beach, didn't you know?
Life is an opportunity for our souls to go out and explore reality
See the physical side of life
It may not feel like a beach to everybody, everyday
But we're here to learn and develop
If you recognise that the things that happen happen for this reason
As part of the plan to develop ourselves
You'll start to replace your "problems" and "challenges" with "opportunities"!

Barbara x

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Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - Our World

This one world is made from many worlds
7 billion worlds altogether and counting
Live your world first
Change your world first
Make it your place to live through love, peace, truth, compassion and destiny
Then share these principles with others and their worlds when you meet!

Barbara x

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Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - fan the winds of change

Do you feel the winds of change blowing through the air
In the UK we're going through the equivalent of an honesty amnesty (although without getting away with)
Finally we're getting the hang of saying "not acceptable behaviour".
And it goes across class, race and culture
Its relief for a pocket of humanity
But what about other countries?
We can all help the winds of change in other pockets of the world e.g. Russia, China, North Korea, Syria, Middle East, Africa
Send love, truth, peace and compassion to the leaders and people of these countries
And then add a dose of empathy so they start to see the true meaning and impact of their actions on others.

Barbara x

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Monday, 3 June 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - Our Life Goal

How do we fit in on this planet?
What is our goal in life?
To live of course!
To live, to experience, to be
We are here as part of the balance of the ecosystem
To play our part in the development of this world and ourselves
To take forward what we are and to grow
And to help others do the same on their journey.

Barbara x

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Sunday, 2 June 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - Holidays

When a holiday comes along how do you spend it?
Catching up on chores
Working anyway, got stuff to finish
Stressing about what isn't done
Enjoying yourself
Relaxing and spending fun time with family and friends
Its so easy to get sucked into doing and finishing stuff
We have become so focused on doing that we've forgotten that we are here to live first
Be in contact with life
Take frequent and regular time out
Relax, enjoy yourself and your life.

Barbara x

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Saturday, 1 June 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - frustrations

Do you like "your lot" in life?
Like the hand you've been dealt?
If no, how can you live and share the peace, honesty and openness of the light?
If you are frustrated, hurt, upset, lost, with "your lot" in life
How can you enjoy peace, truth and connection with others?
Take some time to evaluate your inner frustrations?
Look at what you can change, if anything
And if you can't change it, find a more neutral, less emotionally charged, way of looking at the situation
And then, be thankful you have "a lot" in life.

Barbara x

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