Friday, 31 May 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - Time and Space

Who said we had to have busy lives?
Who said we had to do a lot?
Yes, we want to live but who decides how?
We do
Life today is supposed to be better with more free time and enjoyment
So why isn't that happening for everyone?
Productive, enjoyable, fun lives
These are not chronically busy lives
They are lives with time and space for all parties
Enough commitments but not too many
Time for ourselves, our family, our friends
Drop commitments, stop being busy
Give yourself the gift of time and space

Barbara x

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Thursday, 30 May 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - Flow

Life can often just flow
It comes and goes, the ebb and flow of life just like the sea on the shore
That's because there is a parallel between ourselves and the planet
The impact of gravity on water is the same whether its a large or small body of water
The difference is the impact on a small body (us) isn't observable
If you notice differences in yourself throughout the lunar cycle
Recognise and work with the differences
Support and respect your own flow
If this is new to you start observing yourself 
Learn, understand and enjoy your own ebb and flow

Barbara x

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Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - Enjoy

Enjoy the sunshine
Enjoy the rainbows
Enjoy your favourite foods
Enjoy a good chat with a friend
Enjoy a lie-in
Enjoy a walk in the fresh air
Enjoy the company of close friends and family
Enjoy yourself
Enjoy being
Enjoy your-self!

Barbara x

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Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - Light Messages

How do you spot a message from the light?
An indication which direction to take or choice to make
Coincidences are often signs - when circumstances come together
Synchronicity - when something works out as if it were planned
Luck - when preparation meets opportunity
Prepare for your desired opportunity and wait patiently
Also, when an idea pops into your head that is often from a light source
Surprisinging people help you out
Look out for and listen to these events
If something feels too hard to do, tough to galvanise yourself, it may be that task/job isn't your path to take
These things are never black and white as we all have challenges to work on at times
If you are asking the light for help but you feel you can't hear/see/feel the responses look out for the above.

Barbara x

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Monday, 27 May 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - patterns

There are enough challenges in this world for us to solve
Without us creating more personal ones for ourselves e.g. Debt, drugs, alcohol, anger, negative reactions, over eating
Take some time to look at yourself through loving, supportive, compassionate eyes.
What are you doing that isn't supporting yourself?
Why you are doing it?
What do you need to change in order to stop this behaviour/issue?
How do you and others support you and accept the ups and downs while you transition
Treat yourself like you would an old friend
Support yourself
Acknowledge the journey for change
Ask the light for support and help on your journey.

Barbara x

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Sunday, 26 May 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - Gentle

What are you expecting out of life?
Doing what by when and how?
The force of internal deadlines, requirements, needs
Its all a human creation, a human strait-jacket
Life can be gentle, move gently and still be and do
The difference is a gentle life moves without angst or anxiety
But with an excitement and expectancy from the joy of discovering life
Stop making life happen
Start discovering a gentle life everyday.

Barbara x

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Saturday, 25 May 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - Peace and Harmony

Peace and harmony
How do we want to live?
Neither peace or harmony are something you bring
They are created out of the intent of all the involved parties
This requires inner peace and inner harmony
But also a willingness to trust others, listen to them and value their perspectives
Followed by a willingness to work together to create the peace and harmony desired.
Peace and harmony work on all levels
Find your inner peace and harmony, be willing to trust, listen and value others to find peace and harmony in your world.

Barbara x

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Friday, 24 May 2013

Bringing living with the light to life

Here is a video of Quixotic Fusion: Dancing with Light.

It brings to life the idea of living with the light, how it is always here with us and how we move, change and interact with it.


Barbara x

Barbara's Daily Message - Compassion in Adversity

Compassion is relatively easy in mild, everyday situations
True compassion is being compassionate even in the face of adversity or extreme reactions
Accepting that someone can step outside of normal bounds and not be penalised by others
But shown love and compassion
That is not to say those who cause adversity/have extreme reactions do not have to face the consequences of their actions
This is their responsibility, not ours
Compassion isn't hiding them from responsibility but supporting them while they face the consequences
And giving them the opportunity to learn and develop.

Barbara x

See Daily Message Archive:

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - Synchronicity

When you want life to be great
Do you get what you want?
When it works out do you label it fate, luck or good fortune?
Or is it something that came because it was a reward for appropriate actions and behaviour
These synchronous events are recognition by the light of a job well done
Keep following the path of the light
Keep asking for help with your dreams and desires
Keep following the avenues the light shares with us
And enjoy more synchronicity moments in your life!

Barbara x

See Daily Message Archive:

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - Imagination

Where does your imagination take you?
Down the road and round the corner?!
Or out of your world
Beyond the constraints of everyday
Wherever you go
Our imagination can conceive new possibilities and existences
That we can bring into being
What do you want to be better in your world?
Ask the light to bring it into being
Focus and commit your intent and energy towards it
And watch your imagination materialise into this world.

Barbara x

See Daily Message Archive:

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - world energy

Are you doing what you love or enjoy everyday?
If you are, you are making a positive contribution to the world's daily energy that helps her to grow and support all of us
If not, you can use the world's energy to help balance your emotions through contact with the natural world outside
Work towards doing something you love and enjoy everyday
It is a great experience for us but also contributes to our world in a positive way.

Barbara x

See Daily Message Archive:

Monday, 20 May 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - Dream

Don't let life fly by
Let the world be a better place
Be a dreamer, dream the world you want
Make changes each day to move yourself closer to your dream
Each change starts with a desire and dream and a first step
So dream and take your first step today.

Barbara x

See Daily Message

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - Choice

When we start out in life
We don't know where we are going
We then make choices and decisions that affect our path and direction in life
Today, while we may still not know our direction we can ensure we make our choices based on love, compassion, truth, peace and a consideration of those it also affects
This way we continue with life while staying true to the light and ourselves.

Barbara x

See Daily Message Archive:

Saturday, 18 May 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - Attraction

The light shares out the universal energy source of our world
There is infinite energy available for us to bring what we want into creation.
To attract more love, joy, money, friends into our lives
Everyone can enjoy more of what they want, it is unlimited and there for all
Think about what you truly want 
Ask the light for it
Wait patiently, hold your intent in your heart
Take the steps as they appear
Enjoy your changes.

Barbara x

See Daily Message Archive:

Friday, 17 May 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - working life

Why do we work?
For the benefit of humanity, mother nature and our world
It probably doesn't feel like it on a day to day basis
But it all is
Making food, medicines, bridges, holidays, caring for people, animals, plants, serving people or their needs
The day to day benefit is earning a living, giving someone or something an improved life or experience
But all these things roll up to serve humanity, mother nature and our world
Why not spend a little time each week or month helping look after humanity, mother nature and our world and give yourself a "light" boost!

Barbara x

See Daily Message Archive:

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - Developing Inner Peace

Our journey to peace can be a volatile one
While some of us have a place of peace within
Some of us have a place of volatility, frustration, unmet expectation
This is caused by our perception that the world and/or ourselves is not meeting what we want
Remember the world gives us what we need to develop on our journey to achieve our life purpose
When we listen and follow our path
When we remain true to ourselves
This brings us inner peace.

Barbara x

See Daily Message Archive:

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - Nothingness

Have you ever experienced nothingness?
A state of peace, quiet and infinite contact with the world
When you need support, quiet time or just a boost
Enter into nothingness
Bring inner peace and quiet to yourself
Bring outer peace and quiet to yourself
Create an infinite open contact with the world
Keep your mind focused on peace, quiet and the world to stay in the nothingness
Draw strength and support from the connection.

Barbara x

See Daily Message Archive:

Monday, 13 May 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - self-care

What does self-care mean?
Getting enough sleep, eating healthily and doing exercise?
While these are important they aren't they only factors
What about spiritual, medatitive, consciousness mental care
Human life is very physical and practical
But we also need to support our own spiritual, conscious, mental health
Remember to stop and take time
Take time for yourself, your family and friends to do something without goals or deadlines or a defined purpose.
Go play, relax, enjoy.

Barbara x

See Daily Message Archive:

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - be happy

How do you make someone happy?
Help them meet their own needs and wants, support them in tough times, value and cherish them at all times
How do you make yourself happy?
Meet your own needs and wants, support yourself in tough times, value and cherish yourself at all times
Why are we happy doing it for others and not for ourselves?
There's no need to feel selfish, one individual is as equally important as another
Look after yourself as well as others
Remember, we are all equally important, value and cherish yourself and others at all times.

Barbara x

See Daily Message Archive:

Saturday, 11 May 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - love life

Love life
Life is a gift, an experience of a varied and joyful world
Giving us many opportunities to learn and develop
Embrace the opportunity
Enjoy living, have fun, appreciate the wonderful world we live in.

Barbara x

See Daily Message Archive:

Friday, 10 May 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - balance

Balance in life
Balance in all things
Life is a seesaw, a balancing act
But usually not how we normally feel
Carrying 20 things/activities/actions at once turning on a sixpence
Work:life balance is not 50:50 based on attendance time
Its really based on commitment time
When you at home outside of work hours are you really at home?
Or are you thinking about work or other commitments?
Reacting to emails or working on your computer
Stop, remember balance in life
Switch off. No really, switch off
Real life balance is work, rest and play!!

Barbara x

See Daily Message Archive:

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - rhythm of life

Clocks move forward, ever forward based on a regular rhythm
For us to be in optimum health and wellness it is the same
Support yourself through a consistent routine with all the elements we need
Nutritious, enjoyable food, enough sleep, sufficient activity and interests and good company
Listen to yourself and flex your routine to suit the variety of life
Base your life around meeting your needs and then add everyone else's!

Barbara x

See Daily Message Archive:

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - Responding to a Challenge

When life shares a challenge
How do you respond?
Calmly, with confidence, to deal with it
Or do you panic, feel stressed, doubt yourself
Accept the fear and how you feel, this happens to everyone at times
Ask the light for help and support
Use the light to calm down and think things through
Feel confident that the light will support you and help you respond.

Barbara x

See Daily Message Archive:

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Barbara's Daily Message -

As the waves break on the rocks
So do we when we refuse to listen or acknowledge the truths in this world
Deep down we all want love, truth and peace
But we can get lost, waylaid by some other potent ideal
Which doesn't satisfy us on a deeper level
So we pursue them with greater energy thinking this will give us the answer
But the answers are already in front of us
Stop fighting them and the world we live in
Love, truth, peace, harmony and compassion
Accept them, live them daily.

Barbara x

See Daily Message Archive:

Monday, 6 May 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - master or slave?

When the world goes faster and faster and faster
Do you ever wish you could step off?
Well you can
The light is here to guide you to a relaxed purposeful life
Not to help you burn out in a crazied whirlwind
We might have the tools to do things quicker, better and more effectively
But we are still human and we either choose to be master or live as a slave
The tools are here to serve us, let them serve
And when your work/activity is done, turn your mind off
Put the tools down, switch them off and go enjoy yourself!!

Barbara x

See Daily Message Archive:

Sunday, 5 May 2013

A Special Weekend Message - Journey to Peace

What do you want out of life?
What is most important to you?
Perhaps its looking after your family or learning new things or a rewarding job or charity work
Whatever it is, is it clear to you?
Have you organised your life around it?
Once you know, do your main actions feed and support your goal?
If not, how are you going to feel peace, compassion and love for yourself and others if your daily actions don't move you closer to your goal?
If they don't, don't panic or get upset
Just answer the question - what is most important to you
And start your journey by organising yourself around it
Gain peace, truth and contentment from the experience
And share with others.

Barbara x

See Daily Message Archive:

Barbara's Daily Message - feeling stuck?

When life goes on for others
When we feel stuck and our life stops moving it feels hard to connect with the other people in your life
Take care of yourself, stop worrying about the disconnection
We all need to rest, take care of ourselves
Let our emotional strength recover especially during and after challenging times
Life will get better
We do recover and regain our strength
Be patient, let time pass
And above all be fair and gentle with ourselves.

Barbara x

See Daily Message Archive:

Saturday, 4 May 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - Staying True to Ourselves

When we don't express ourselves clearly
When we don't feel listened to or appreciated
We can feel frustrated, unhappy and perhaps angry
These emotions are signs that we need to take actions or make a decision about something
If we don't identify the actions we need to take
We can waste energy and life unnecessarily
Use the emotions as an opportunity for change
Identify the causes and actions/decisions to take to enable you to accept and move on
And stay true to yourself and your path.

Barbara x

See Daily Message Archive:

Friday, 3 May 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - What Life Brings

Enjoy what life brings
This is the life you are living
The life you have today is a result of what you have asked for in the past
If you want to change it focus on the life you want, now
Take a step each day towards what you want
The light wants you to be happy and follow the path
It gives what you need and what you want
Although not always as you expect!
Ask for what you need and want to follow the path
Accept, be patient, commit to taking action to help yourself follow the light.

Barbara x

See Daily Message Archive:

Thursday, 2 May 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - quiet

When will it all be quiet?
When will we seek the stillness?
We need quiet and stillness around ourselves
To maintain a balanced connection with our inner and outer worlds
Meditation, yoga, tai chi, qi gong or walking in nature will bring this opportunity
Plan this into your weekly routine
If possible, plan this into your daily routine.

Barbara x

See Daily Message Archive:

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Barbara's Daily Message - lemonade

When life gives you lemons make lemonade
When you experience positives, enjoy and learn
When you experience challenges be grateful for the opportunity to develop yourself on your path
You only get challenges and rewards because you are ready for them
The light is here to help you meet your challenges
When you need help ask the light for guidance
Listen/watch for the light's advice
Look for those synchronicity moments highlighting your next moves/choices to consider
Life gets easier when we listen and act in accordance with the light.

Barbara x

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