Tuesday, 31 December 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Fear

When we are afraid or fearful
We disconnect from the light
And start flying solo, leaving us open to ego thoughts and short term decisions
When we feel fear or afraid remember love
Accept your feelings as part of life's journey of discovery
And give yourself a big dose of love
And stay connected with the light!

Barbara x

Monday, 30 December 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Balance

We all talk about balance in the moment
Noticing the impact of being out balance after it's happened
What would happen if we made balance an underlying principle of life
And bring that into our daily life
Living life in balance than out of balance with course correction!

Barbara x

Sunday, 29 December 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Inner Tranquility

When we are not sure of our place in the world
When we don't know our purpose
We can feel confused and anxious
Until we realise discovering our place and purpose
Is the first part of our journey
And we are all living our journey
Asking what our purpose is is the first step to inner tranquility.

Barbara x

Saturday, 28 December 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Reflection

How has the last year been?
Tough, fun, ups and downs...?
Looking back and reflecting gives us an opportunity to look at what we've been through
To look at our life through a lens of love and support
See what has gone well, what we've learnt
And what we could learn from and build on
Spend some time reflecting on your journey so far
So you can build on your experiences on your journey onwards!

Barbara x

Friday, 27 December 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Direction

Do you know where you are going in life?
The end of the year is a time to reflect on where you have been
And where you would like to go
Even when life is tough and like wading through treacle
Pondering on your life's direction
Can bring new meaning and energy to you
Spend time pondering, looking at your choices and what you would like to do
And see what filters through to give you direction...

Barbara x

Thursday, 26 December 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Patience

[Barbara's Daily Message] Patience

Are you living life taking your time?
Or are you rushing to the next thing wanting it yesterday?
Why do you want everything now?
Life is full of experiences whether you are actively filling it or not
An unfilled space in life is not a low but a time to rest and reflect
Be patient with time, it is your friend
Enjoy time (rather than running against it!)

Barbara x

See Daily Message Archive: www.lightguidedailymessage.blogspot.com

Wednesday, 25 December 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Acceptance

Many of us recognise and aspire to the consistent practice of acceptance
But the reality can often be much harder
When we over react or complain without consideration
But life is a journey of self improvement
When you succeed, acknowledge your achievement and celebrate
When it goes a bit a rye recognise an opportunity to learn
Work out what you could have done differently
And take one or two learnings from the situation to practice.

Barbara x

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Flexibility

Are you a planner?
Someone who likes to plan a day down to the finest detail
And shoehorn in as much as possible to do?
Do your days go to plan?
Or do you end up getting stressed out because it doesn't?
If you are getting stressed out there isn't enough flexibility in your day
Make sure you allow extra time in your plan for "normal life"
And stop trying to shoehorn so much in, life is more fun when you can flex!

Barbara x

Monday, 23 December 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Loving Support

Loving support
Something we all crave deep down
Genuine love and genuine support for who we are and what we want to do
While it isn't possible to guarantee we receive this from others
We can give this to ourselves and give this to others
Start with loving yourself
And believing in yourself
Then share.

Barbara x

Sunday, 22 December 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Value in our Experiences

Pay attention, life is OK!
Turn up each day, experience life
If it isn't going well on what are basis are you judging that on?
We judge moment by moment, interaction by interaction
Rather than looking at the big picture
We need all experiences to help us grow on our journey
If we didn't have them our journeys would stall
When you are in a tough experience remember now is but a step in your journey
And it's value will become clear...

Barbara x

Saturday, 21 December 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Positivity

On the shortest day of the year
When positive energy may feel in short supply
Remember that positivity comes from within as well as without
Today, know that as we grow and learn we can encourage positive energy
Through our daily achievements no matter how small
Let these grow and build as a seed becomes a tree and then a forest
To have an abundance of positivity within!

Barbara x

Friday, 20 December 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Order from Chaos

When conflict occurs
And anger flourishes
We can convert the energy into calming energy
To diffuse the tension
And help bring order back from chaos.

Barbara x

Thursday, 19 December 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Our Common Values

Each of us are living our lives day by day
We may have different perspectives and different experiences
But we share common values of love, peace, truth and compassion
Which remain true whatever we do
We can be true to our common values even with lives of many perspectives.

Barbara x

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Sharing

Share your life, your meaning in life
Give of your spirit
Your core values and insight
With those who have yet to see or hear their path
Be patient and subtle
And help others grow to see their path.

Barbara x

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Barbara's Daily Message] Taking a Break

We work hard with the light
When we share the load we can take turns to have a break
Take the time to enjoy your break
Wind down, relax and enjoy yourself
Gather your energy in and recuperate
And be ready for the next step on your journey...

Barbara x

Monday, 16 December 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Learning

We are all here on this planet to learn and follow our journeys
When we learn we can be surprised by the simplicity of the idea or concept we've learned
But does the realisation last?
Learning doesn't just happen at the stage of the insight
It continues as we put something into practice
But it also happens after we've forgotten the insight
Because we have to learn it again
Some of our strongest learning experiences are reminders of what we've forgotten
Value the opportunity when it happens!

Barbara x

Sunday, 15 December 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Looking Out for Yourself

Most people are lovely, share our values
Help each other out and give of their time
But not everyone is like this
So it's important to listen to your gut instinct when interacting with others
And if you are sensing concern, listen to it and check it out
While we are here to help others
It isn't based on sacrificing yourself to do so!

Barbara x

Saturday, 14 December 2013

Barbara's Daily Message] Looking After Yourself

We all know that we should look after ourselves
Eat well, exercise, sleep and have fun
But we don't always achieve this goal
And some of us have a repetitive habit of not looking after ourselves
But here's a question for you...
If you aren't going to look after yourself, who is?
Since life is a gift isn't about time we treasured it?

Barbara x

Friday, 13 December 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Life Experience

How do you view your life?
I've had a great time and I plan for the same going forward
I've had some ups and downs but it's kind of OK
It's not been great and I don't expect it to be much different
How we view our lives colours how our lives are
Two people with the same experiences can have two very different outlooks
And therefore two very different experiences of life
Look at your view of your life
If your view is colouring your world in a way you don't like
Think about what you do want and change your view!

Barbara x

See Daily Message Archive: www.lightguidedailymessage.blogspot.com

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Goals

[Barbara's Daily Message] Goals

Do you have any goals in your life?
Or are you focused on the short term (by default)?
Or have you decided that goals aren't necessary
Or you've just kind of missed them?!
The purpose of goals whether in your human or spiritual life
Is to develop and grow
If you haven't got any goals consider today if you want any
And if so, think about what you want
So you can become more of what is great about you

Barbara x

See Daily Message Archive: www.lightguidedailymessage.blogspot.com

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Helping...

As with nearly all people, we want to help
We want to reduce others pain and suffering
This means we help, we do things for others
We care, we support, we actively assist others
But is this really helping everyone?
We all need help on occasion
But help can become a hindrance when we stop others being themselves
Helping means keeping someone's best interests at heart
And our help enables them to be more than they are without help
Every now and then this also means that to help someone the best action may be to not help them
But to support them to help themselves.

Barbara x

See Daily Message Archive: www.lightguidedailymessage.blogspot.com

Monday, 9 December 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Looking for Love

Looking for love in all the wrong places?
People come together to balance each other out
But pairs aren't always in "good" balance such as needy/carer, victim/rescuer, parent/child
To create a "good" pair isn't about being perfect
But it is about balancing your own needs within yourself
So you can attract love rather than look for it!

Barbara x

See Daily Message Archive: www.lightguidedailymessage.blogspot.com

Sunday, 8 December 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Looking for Paradise

Are you looking for paradise?
Looking for your ideal place to hang out and chill out
Where your worries and fears won't find you?
While the desire is understandable, there is one small problem...
Where you are, you are...
Generally, being happy, sad, worry free, fear free, is not found externally
But internally
Paradise isn't about escaping yourself by going elsewhere
But finding the inner strength to face your fears
And creating your paradise within!

Barbara x

See Daily Message Archive: www.lightguidedailymessage.blogspot.com

Saturday, 7 December 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Rest

We're used to being busy
Getting things done
Working and playing hard
But no one said anything about being super human
Remember to take time to rest and recover
To keep yourself tip top!

Barbara x

See Daily Message Archive: www.lightguidedailymessage.blogspot.com

Thursday, 5 December 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Expectations

[Barbara's Daily Message] Expectations

How do you expect life to be?
All sweetness and light, tripping through with rainbows and balloons?
Or hard and miserable, dragging yourself through treacle?
Your life might one or the other or somewhere in the middle
Or a mix of all three
But the difficulty is knowing the difference between expectation and reality
It's easy to expect more or less
But how about suspending your expectation
Live with reality and decide what your life is really like
Then you can tune your perception to reality and stop living under the weight of your over or under expectations!!

Barbara x

See Daily Message Archive: www.lightguidedailymessage.blogspot.com

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Life

However life goes
Whether its up or down, fun or sad
It's an experience which makes our life real
Which keeps us in touch with the circle of life
And in touch with the truth of reality
And if it all gets too much, connect with family and friends
Support yourself and remember don't take it all personally

Barbara x

See Daily Message Archive: www.lightguidedailymessage.blogspot.com

[Barbara's Daily Message] Being Fatalistic

We are in charge of our destiny
We are in charge of our journey
We can choose to listen to the light,
And change our path
But this doesn't mean every interaction is driven by the light
People are being people interacting with other people
Not every outcome is a sign!
It is easy to think everything is fate
And disengage from your own responsibilities of living life
Remember to choose your journey and destiny!

Barbara x

See Daily Message Archive: www.lightguidedailymessage.blogspot.com

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Belief

Our lives are free
Spiritually free
We get to choose what we believe
And how we demonstrate that in our behaviour
Remember to choose
Then be congruent, walk your belief!

Barbara x

See Daily Message Archive: www.lightguidedailymessage.blogspot.com

Sunday, 1 December 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Finding Your Way

[Barbara's Daily Message] Finding Your Way

Bring together your positives and negatives
To chart a way forward
To create a life of meaning
Know that your experiences are what you need to forge ahead
And believe that you will find the way!

Barbara x

See Daily Message Archive: www.lightguidedailymessage.blogspot.com