Saturday, 31 August 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Meerkats...

If some days life feels like you are walking through treacle
And it feels like nothing you do goes right
Remember that sometimes we need to stop pushing so hard
And check we are going in the right direction
You'll know the right direction because life will be easier.
Stop regularly and do a mental meerkat inpression: check out what is going on round you, make sure you are doing what you need to and going in the right direction.

Barbara x

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Friday, 30 August 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Leaving a legacy

When we finally depart this world
We leave behind a legacy
This legacy is built from our whole lives
We all get to choose what legacy we leave behind
Will your day to day behaviours result in a positive legacy?
If not, now is the time to change
Decide what you want your legacy to be and create it.

Barbara x

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Thursday, 29 August 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Receiving Advice

Are you listening?
Are you open minded enough to really listen?
When we have a problem or need help with something
We usually set out on a journey to find an answer
On our way we collect information, talk to people and consider what we have found
But how many times do we reject information because it doesn't fit our preconceived idea of what an answer is?
Its surprising how often this happens
The light frequently shares answers and ideas to learn and finds different ways of presenting them to us
And the light will keep presenting them until we learn and understand it
When something is being shared with you that the other person considers important
Capture the message (perhaps in a notebook)
And review the messages frequently until you are ready to hear them!

Barbara x

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Wednesday, 28 August 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Relaxation In Living

Is life stressful?
Are you tired most of the time?
Unable to hold your concentration?
One solution is to take time out to relax and do nothing everyday
This is a great strategy to balance the stress everywhere else
But what if there was a more effective strategy?
Instead of periods of relaxation in a stressful day
How about relaxation throughout the day?
Take the concept of relaxation into everything you do
And then you can enjoy everything more.

Barbara x

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Tuesday, 27 August 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Contributing to your Environment's energy

How do you make a difference to your environment's energy?
Bring a cheerful, happy demeanor into the lives of others
When you are out shopping or socialising you can give genuine compliments to others
Or how about picking up some litter when you are walking somewhere
All of these actions contribute to the circulation and growth of positive energy
Take positive daily actions to grow the global circle of energy.

Barbara x

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Monday, 26 August 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Be Honest

Has anyone ever asked you to do something
And you've responded "I'll try"?
"I'll try" is such a non descript, non commital reply
It says many things: if, maybe, or if I get round to it or if something better doesn't come along
Be honest instead
If it is something you want to do, commit
If it isn't, say so, otherwise you'll end up with an action you don't want
Ask yourself what is worse: upsetting the person asking now, upsetting them later or stressing yourself out over it.
Stop trying and be honest with yourself and others.

Barbara x

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Sunday, 25 August 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Impact of ego

Does your ego keep getting you into trouble?
At times do you think to yourself: I want to be first, don't ignore me, you can't get away with that or similar?
This is your ego demanding attention, demanding external confirmation of your own importance
Given that everyone is already important 
And you are already important
Why waste your energy on creating such demands
Why waste everyone else's energy on bowing to your demands
Why risk starting an argument
Leave your ego behind and bring your true self to the world.

Barbara x

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Friday, 23 August 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Support Yourself

Do you spend your time giving yourself orders?
Do this, do that, got to, should do, must do...
This way of talking to yourself is making life harder than it needs to be
What if you stopped being hard on yourself and started supporting yourself?
I can, I would like, I want to, I'm going to...
Give yourself a chance to choose
And choose to support yourself day in and day out
And make your life more enjoyable.

Barbara x

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Thursday, 22 August 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Stop and think

Is what you want in life worth the effort?
Is what you want in life worth the impact on your life and others?
Did you grow up with early dreams and desires for what you wanted in life?
E.g. an education, a family, own a yacht and sail round the world, buy a derelict house and rebuild it and make yourself a fortune
Or did you modify and change your early dreams as life evolved: partner, family, enjoyment, experiences?
We all learn through life and adapt
Our dreams and desires also need to be checked and updated
Remember, life is liberating when we make decisions based on our current needs as well as our dreams and desires
If your early dreams and desires don't fit anymore be happy to let them go and replace them with new ones!

Barbara x

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Wednesday, 21 August 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Seeing in Black and White II

Black and white, two extremes for maximum contrast and clarity
Just like writing on a page, a barcode, a crossword or a newspaper
Sharing facts and figures, interpretations of life
But what about all the other colours of the world or the shades of grey inbetween?
It is these colours/shades that make up pictures of forests, fields, skies and lakes in our world
And brings depth of experience to us and a warmness and embrace from life
Delve into experience, live life in 3D rather than 2D.

Barbara x

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Tuesday, 20 August 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Seeing in Black and White

Living in a world of black and white; right and wrong
Brings clarity, certainty and quick decision making
It also brings intolerance, rapid judgement and detachment
Living between these extremes are a rainbow of colours
That allow for flexibility, tolerance, understanding, openess and freedom
It enables discussion, compromise, the emergence of alternative solutions
These enable people to get along and grow
Join the light, living within the rainbow, and bring yourself to a more engaging and open experience.

Barbara x

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Monday, 19 August 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Superhero?

So you want to be a superhero?
Rescuing others from the day to day evils of life?
What are the day to day evils of life?
Challenging situations, disagreements, day to day routine
Except these are really the light's learning opportunities in disguise
If you behave like a superhero for others you are really reinforcing their victim mentality
And preventing them from learning for themselves
How about taking on a new role: coach and supporter
Help others to do what they need to do without doing it for them.

Barbara x

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Saturday, 17 August 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] - The Cause of Disbelief

Times when we don't believe in the path
When we don't believe in the light
When it all seems unreal
Are the times when your mind is disconnected from your soul
When our minds are left to reason, without guidance, without contentment of our true selves
We react in fear, in disbelief and in isolation
This results in our disbelief in the light and spirit
And fear of other's opinions of us

Bring yourself back to the light
The path of the light is a shared one
One with many friends and connections
Connect with your soul through meditation, tai chi, yoga or walks in nature
Embrace the path, feel accepted, valued and joyful
Love and light bring us opportunities to meet others, share their paths, learn and enjoy life.

Barbara x

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Friday, 16 August 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] - A core principle of life

Sometimes life is easy
Sometimes life is hard
And its always changing
One core principle of life
Is to live in your truth
At all times, in all situations
Be true to yourself
Look after your own needs
And respect everyone else's right to do the same
If we all did this, we would all be a lot happier with life.

Barbara x

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Thursday, 15 August 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Your Uniqueness

Waiting for other people to make you feel important or approved of?
Yes? Unfortunately you'll be waiting a long time
Recognise yourself as a wonderful, radiant spiritual being
You are already important, as equally important as everyone else
Accept yourself and value your own uniqueness.

Barbara x

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Wednesday, 14 August 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Being Resentful II

Feeling resentful of other people?
Feeling taken advantage of?
Frustration can become resentment if not dealt with
Stop expecting others to "do right by you"
They will almost always do right by themselves
Again, welcome the differences
And practice acceptance instead of frustration
Share love and compassion with everyone instead of resentment
Love is the best medicine.

Barbara x

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Tuesday, 13 August 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Feeling Resentful I

Do you really want everything your own way?
No, life would get boring if we have everything our own way.
But why do we get so frustrated and resentful sometimes?
Because our expectations are unrealistic:
i) We expect everything to go our way
ii) We expect everyone else to be the same as us and doing things the same way as us
iii) We also don't expect things to go wrong
Life is here to be original, to vary, to give us experiences rather than to be controlled by us
Change your point of view:
i) Expect other people to be different
ii) Expect things to vary and sometimes not match what we want
iii) Stop trying to control everything
Enjoy the variety of life!

Barbara x

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Monday, 12 August 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Building Lives

When we have interactions with others
Most of us don't think about the impact we leave behind
How about leaving a positive impact and helping people to build a better day
Perhaps a compliment, a random act of kindness, donating to charity, taking action to help someone or a cause
Make your time on this planet make a difference
Build with your interactions each day to help others build their lives.

Barbara x

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Sunday, 11 August 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] You can't win an argument

If two people are shouting, no-one is listening
It's easy in the heat of the moment to speak to hurt and say something you'll regret
If someone is shouting their emotions are raw, live and hot
In this moment share peace, love, compassion and calm
Then listen without judgement
Listen to understand
While you may not agree with what is said
Respect their voice and their right to an opinion
Show respect through listening
Let their energy flow past you rather than at you
Then listening is easier
And a conversation to build together rather than destroy can take place.

Barbara x

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Saturday, 10 August 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] - Discover Your True Nature

The wandering of life occurs when we can't see our true nature in the universe
When we see, feel, be our true nature we can bring focus, clarity and satisfaction to our lives
Seeking our true nature brings inner wisdom, belief and a connection to life
We value who we are and what we bring to those around us
Seek your true nature through self reflection and meditation to listen to your heart and spirit in these quiet times
You can also learn through your experiences: what you love is closer to your true nature
The light will help you on your journey of discovery.

Barbara x

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Friday, 9 August 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Be Replete

Replete - possibly a new word for your personal dictionary
It means: abundantly supplied or provided in a satisfying way...
Encourage abundance in your life
Enjoy a replete life!

Barbara x

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Thursday, 8 August 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Egos

Does your ego keep getting you into trouble?
Giving you ideas: I want to be first or don't ignore me or you can't get away with that
Ideas that can start a confrontation
Our egos are prompting us to remember how important we are
But at what cost?
The cost is everyone else, remember everyone is of equal importance
So leave your ego behind and share your true self with the world.

Barbara x

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Wednesday, 7 August 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] A "Light" Life

Is daily life a fun, joyful experience most days?
Are you enjoying the experiences the world is sharing?
Does life feel like a sunny bright day or a cloudy, rainy day?
A "light" life exists as both meanings:
As light - to illuminate our life to learn
And as weight - a life without constant heavy stress
You'll know when your life is more "light" as it will have elements of both
As we progress on this journey of light our lives will transform as we learn our path.

Barbara x

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Tuesday, 6 August 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Doing or Being II

Got your to do list ready?
Filled up your day and your family's day?
Filled up your evening?
Going without sleep to get things finished?
Getting by on less sleep
And lets do it all again
Day in, day out
Are you feeling tired yet??
You maybe a super-doer
But what is it getting you?
Just more things to do!!
Life doesn't start when you've got things done
This is life
Stop doing so much, (there will always be more to do tomorrow whatever you do today)
Start being and enjoy life instead.

Barbara x

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Monday, 5 August 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Doing or Being

We all know that life is for living
But do you know what that really means?
Living today is seen as getting stuff done
But for what purpose? There will always be stuff to do
So we have a choice:
To spend forever doing
Or enjoy now as human beings not human doings.

Barbara x

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Sunday, 4 August 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Inner Calm

If you are feeling anxious or stressed
It is easy to say fix the cause of the problem
But what if it is just the combination of everything rather than something?
Take back control of you
Learn to meditate, just a few minutes a day can give you back control
Reduce your anxiety and boost your wellbeing today.

Barbara x

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Saturday, 3 August 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Impact of Habits

Has life got a bit boring?
If yes, why?
Are you stuck in a routine, a habit of life?
E.g. Food shopping every wed afternoon, bridge every tue morning
Routine can bring us security
But it doesn't take much to become repetitive
Keep the important parts of your routine
And bring variety and joy to the rest of your life.

Barbara x

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Friday, 2 August 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Expectations

How often do you feel disappointed?
Life or others not met your expectations?
We develop and fix our expectations as we grow up
And then they become transparent to us in everyday life
But our expecations are always there driving our reactions
Instead of (over) reacting, look at your expectations and stop fixing them
Start flexing them and enjoy the possibilities life brings.

Barbara x

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Thursday, 1 August 2013

[Barbara's Daily Message] Connect to the World

Imagine the fish swimming in all the oceans around the world
Imagine the birds flying through the global skies
Imagine the animals, large and small roaming the earth
And we are a part of this great community
Interdependent beings keeping tune with the planet
Open your heart and mind to the network of life
We are part of a wonderful dynamic picture
Embrace it, feel connected, be uplifted by its beauty.

Barbara x

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